-Caveat Lector-


Living In Never-Never Land

Southern Style
by Rebecca Knight

* * *

"If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a 

-- James Madison, as a United States Congressman

* * *

Never, never did we think that the American people would fail to respond to what is so
obvious to those of us who understand the sham being perpetrated by the Bush
administration on this country. Never, never did we think that the voters of Florida 
other areas of the country, stripped of their voting rights through devious 
manipulations of
voter rolls and intimidation tactics in election 2000, would capitulate to the same 
tactics in
the 2002 mid term elections.

Election day 2002 can best be described as a failure of democracy. Less than forty 
of eligible voters actually participated. Shame on those Americans who did not take the
time to cast a vote, especially those who were manipulated out of their right to vote 
2000. Where was your outrage? Shame on apathetic Americans who do not take the time
to understand the issues involved and their impact on the life of every citizen. There 
will be
consequences and they could be monumental.

Republicans are claiming a historic victory and mandate for the Bush administration.
However, examination of the facts indicates it was much closer than one would think. 
were 75,723,756 votes cast nationally. A swing of 94,000 votes would have resulted in
Democrats capturing control of the House and retaining a majority in the Senate. Do the
math. This is less than two-tenths of one percent of the total vote. That is how close
America came to making a negative statement about Bush and the Republican agenda.

Only twenty-two percent of voting age citizens actually voted. Consider this 
staggering fact:
105 million citizens of voting age did not vote. That is hardly a resounding 
endorsement of
any political philosophy. Just remember that this type of analysis was used by 
to claim that Clinton was not legitimately elected in 1992. Now, however, they claim 
it as a
right wing mandate.

This election marks the third straight mid-term election (beginning in 1994) where the 
has outpolled Democrats. Prior to 1994, the last time the GOP had done that was 1946.

Democratic turnout is down 8 percentage points from its apex of 26.2 in 1962. 
turnout is down 6.3 percentage points from its apex of 26.4 in 1966.

What has happened to the Democratic Party? It has been rendered voiceless and
incompetent by masterful campaign strategies of the right wing. The solution is not to
become more centrist or "Republican Lite" as some have suggested. The solution is to 
back to the fundamental principles that have guided the Democratic Party for decades, 
to be
the party of the people and to promote strongly policies that will alleviate suffering 
improve the lives of average citizens. This is not accomplished by going along with 
the right
wing just to get along.

Democrats who vote with the right-wingers are doing a severe injustice to their
constituents. They should remember the identity and demographics of their base. 
they have been so busy trying to keep their jobs, they are failing to do their jobs. 
If they will
not be the strong party of opposition to the Bush agenda, they do not deserve their
positions in government. The lack of voting from the Democratic base in the mid term
elections proves this theory.

Now Richard Gephardt has stepped down as House Minority Leader and Nancy Pelosi has
taken that position. That may be a move in the right direction as Pelosi made this
statement: "We must draw clear distinctions between our vision of the future and the
extreme policies put forward by the Republicans. We cannot allow Republicans to pretend
they share our values and then legislate against those values without consequence." If 
maintains that stance and lives up to her potential, she has the ability to make a 

A real opportunity exists for Democrats. Will they be up to the challenge?

Check out the fact that party identification leans to Democratic or Independent
overwhelmingly 61% to 38% here: http://www.umich.edu/~nes/nesguide/toptable/tab2a_

Check out the fact that public opinion and electoral behavior reflects liberal or 
43%, conservative 30%, and haven't thought 27% here: http://www.umich.edu/
~nes/nesguide/ toptable/tab3_1.htm

* * *

"What good fortune for those in power that the people do not think."

-- Adolf Hitler

* * *

To paraphrase James Carville on election night, the American people have no idea what
they have just done to this country. Of course they don't, because most citizens are 
out of
touch with the realities of political discourse, with the impact of policy decisions, 
and with
the extreme manipulation and corruption of the system by the moneyed elite. Apparently
they don't care or they lack the capacity to process complex ideological theories and 
impact on our every day lives.

* * *

"It also gives us a very special, secret pleasure to see how unaware the people around 
are of what is really happening to them."

-- Adolf Hitler

* * *

There are questions involving how fair and accurate the mid term election actually was.
Consider the fact that the Voter News Service failed to report exit polling and there 
large swings of percentages for Republican candidates. What really happened? Apparently
computerized voting is suspect as indicated by many articles and reports here:

Check out election machine ownership here:

Check out "A Government Hijacked" here:

Check out "The Nightmare Scenario Is Here – Computer Voting With No Paper Tail" here:

* * *

"Through clever and constant application of propaganda people can be made to see
paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of 
as paradise."

-- Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1923

* * *

The Republican Party, soon to be in control of all three branches of the government, 
have the ability to pass legislation and make policy that will take us down dangerous 
It has already begun with the passage by the Senate of a deeply flawed Homeland 
Bill that hands out pork to Texas A&M University and pharmaceutical companies. Only 
Senators, Akaka (D-HI), Byrd (D-WV), Feingold (D-WI), Hollings (D-SC), Inouye (D-HI),
Jeffords (I-VT), Kennedy (D-MA), Levin (D-MI), and Sarbanes (D-MD), voted in 
opposition to
this destructive bill. Many spoke in opposition, but then voted approval. Only one 
Robert Byrd of West Virginia, fought valiantly against this bill.

These are indeed dangerous times. Bush campaigned for his party by beating war drums
and positioning himself and his plan for America's security as the best way to insure 
safety of American citizens. The citizens bought it and gave tacit approval. They 
are not nearly as concerned with honesty, integrity, or their own economic welfare as 
would have imagined. They apparently are willing to overlook the destruction of their 
liberties and a secretive administration with links to large-scale corporate 
corruption. It
boggles the mind.

Check out "How Close Is America To Outright Dictatorship?" 

Consider these words from a letter to the editor printed by the Boston Globe:

"I grew up during the Depression on a farm where seldom a week passed without
desperate homeless men coming to the door to seek work or a meal.

"I enlisted in the Navy toward the end of World War II and got through college and
graduate school with the help of the GI Bill and part-time jobs. I lived through the 
hunts conducted by Joseph McCarthy, the Korean War, the Vietnamese conflict and the
tumult it brought about in the halls of academe where I taught, and the Cold Ware with 
fears and uncertainties. Never in all that time was I ashamed of my country, nor did I 
for its future.

"Now, however, I am both ashamed of our domestic and international policies and fearful
for our future. We are led by a president who captured his office through devious means
with less than a majority of popular support. He is an intemperate, immature man who 
relied on his privileged family throughout most his life to keep him safe and 
prosperous. He
works with a Congress that seems, for the most part, to value money and position over
principles and people. We are in a sad state.

"A host of domestic problems – unemployment, poverty, a failing health care system, 
schools, corporate greed and malfeasance, and a plethora of violent crimes – are 
while we spend billions in a reckless, ill-considered attempt to dominate the world.

"What we have become is sad."

* * *

Yes, it is sad. Perhaps it has never, never been as sad as it is currently.

Take heart. We have seen dark times before and survived. We will do so again. It will 
be a
difficult period, but we will have another opportunity for change in two years. That 
is the
beauty of America.

* * *

Rebecca Knight is a native Tennessean, who grew up in Nashville, and currently resides 
in a
small town near Nashville. Ms. Knight's political awareness evolved through the civil 
movement, the Vietnam era, the Watergate era, and the cold war. The debacle of the 2000
election increased her sense of responsibility for political activism. You may contact
Rebecca Knight via e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

© 2002 by Rebecca Knight

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