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The Original Six Million

The Six Million Jews Who Starved To Death During World War I

11/25/02 11:47:53 AM

New York Times

New York Times -- [LSN: Never heard of them? That's because it never really happened. Here are some stories printed in the New York Times claiming that World War I resulted in the starvation of six million (five million in some stories) Eastern European Jews, who, while starving, had an infant mortality rate of "nearly 100%". As is mentioned as an aside a bit later on, nearly all the money raised by these big capitalists like Jacob Schiff and these media barons like William Fox went to "Soviet Russia". This is presented to show that Judaism has been engaged in a perpetual pity party since before they had any reason to be pitied. While the first artiles we present are from 1926, a bit further down there are articles from 1920. Note that the same five to six million people who were starving and dying in the streets in 1920 had not diminished at all by the time they were still alleged to be starving six years later, nor had their starvation been abridged. This confidence scam was the Jewish community's prep for the "Holocaust" scam, and demonstrates how organized Judaism has just been one confidence scam after another played over and over against across the decades.]

"Will Aid Starving Jews" - NY Times 11/27/1926

Protestant and Catholic clergy to Aid Near East Relief Movment.

Washington, November 26 - A movement to enlist 50,000 Protestant and Catholic clergy in an organization to save 5,000,000 Jews in Eastern and Central Europe was begun here today under the direction of the American Christian Fund for Jewish Relief.

Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, President of the Federal Council of Churches and Judge Victor J. Dowling, a representative Catholic layman, are joint chairman of the fund. The call for the movement says one third of the Jewish population of the world is in distress and in some parts of Europe the death rate among Jewish babies is almost 100%.

"The facts are appalling," the call states. "Thousands of Jews are dying of want right now. Hundreds of thousands are confronted by the most painful death - hunger. Unless help is given, 5,000,000 will starve. This does not mean that they will die immediately, but that they will linger, with lack of sufficient food, and some will die next week, some next month and each succeeding month, unless relief comes, one way or another.


"Jewish Drive Gains; Total Is $3,085,000" - NY Times, 04/28/1926

Contributions of $324,000 Are Reported at First Rally In Eastern European Appeal

Children Give $152 Saving

Shuberts add $50,000, Untermyer $30,000 and Stauer $15,000 -Catholic Pastor donates $50

New contributions of $324,000 were announced yesterday at the first rally and reporting meeting, held in the Hotel Biltmore, in the United Jewish Campaign to raise $6,000,000 in Greater New York towards a $15,000,000 national fund to relieve the millions of Jews who are suffering from famine, disease and unemployment in Eastern Europe. The total now subscribed is $3,035,000, it was announced. The drive will continue until May 10th.

Among the large subscriptions announced yesteray were $50,000 from the Shuberts, theatrical managers; $30,000 from Samuel Untermyer, $15,000 from Max D. Stauer, $15,000 from Nathan J, Miller, $10,000 dollars from Mr. and Mrs. Jerome J. Hanover, $7,500 from Eli Winkler, $6,000 from David A. Ansbacher, $1,000 from Mrs. Carl Pforzheimer and $1,165 from the Women's Town Club through Mrs. Ernest Grunsfeld.

The Brooklyn section of the campaign reported total subscriptions of $425,000 toward their $1,200,000 quota. The women's division announced new subscriptions of $24,000 , making $274,000 toward their $500,000 quota. The Far Rockaway section reported a total of $125,000 exceeding their original $100,000 quota, which now has increased to $150,000.

Children raise $152.25

David M. Bressler, Vice Chairman for New York, who assumed active leadership of the campaign in the absence of William Fox, Chairman, after Mr. Fox was called to California by his motion picture interests, presided at at yesterday's rally. He announced that one of the finest contributions to the campaign was $152.25 he had received from the children of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society, which had a quota of $110.

Mr. Bressner read a letter from Dr. Leon W. Goldrich, director of the institution, who said: "Two weeks ago we fixed a quota for each cottage at the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society. Knowing the financial limitations of our own dependent boys and girls, we felt that the children would be making a very great personal sacrifice if we fixed each cottage quota as high as $10 because this sum would have been donated in nickels and dimes.

"I am pleased to state that today , after the final reports were made by the children we found that each of our eleven cottage of boys and girls had exceeded its original quota of $10 and that some cottages almost doubled their original quota."

Edmund and Natalie Lipsky, children of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Lipsky of 1469 President Street, Brooklyn, sent $7.35, representing earnings for doing errands for their parents.

A gift of $25 from Mrs. Henry Bodenheimer, it was announced, represented the proceeds from the sale of metal and several watches which she had melt down to aid in the campaign.

Several gifts from non-Jews were reported. These included a check for $50 from the Rev. John C. York of Saint Brigid's Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn. With the check Father York sent a letter saying he was glad to do all in his power to further the humanitarian purpose of the campaign.

Rabbi Krass Speaks

Dr, Nathan Krass, rabbi of Temple Emmanu-El in an address at the rally said:

"When a man or a woman is enthusiastic in the fullest sense of the term, they would die for a cause if necessary. We do not ask you to die. We ask you to live and to live so that your efforts will be indicative of the firmness of your own faith in this great cause.

"Those of you who are going to visit the Orthodox Jews, tell them that $18 will save one life, and that the word eighteen in Hebrew is "chai," which means '18' and it also means 'life.' If you talk to them in this language, you will probably be able to reach them."

Mrs. Abraham I. Elkus, chairman of the women's division, said:

"Every woman who is registered is working. Our daily trouble is that we haven't quite enough women working.

"Our duty is to give every woman in New York the privilege of helping. As I wrote to one woman, 'It is hard enough for the people in Europe to have to go on a bread line, but the saddest thing, the most horrible thing, is to go on a bread line and find that there is no bread.

"That is what we have to bring forward in this campaign. That if we don't give the money there is not even going to be bread on the bread line. And there are not going to be tools for the workmen, and there is not going to be any license paid and any chance for them to work."

Theatrical Group Formed

All branches of the theatrical business were represented at a luncheon in the Biltmore yesterday, at which the theatrical division was organized. Louis Marshall, the principal speaker, said that the Jews of America constituted one- quarter of the Jews of the world, and possessed practically all of the Jewish wealth of the world.

"We are now called upon to help one-half of all the Jews on the face of the globe." Mr. Marshall continued. "We are called upon to help a people who have put up a valiant battle against the current that is dragging them down. They have struggled as no people have ever struggled and today they are facing the blackest tragedy that has ever confronted any human group.

"I firmly believe that when the national debt question is settled and Europe can begin to function normally, that the Jewish situation will improve. But, in the meanwhile, not only in Poland, in Russia and Bessarabia, but also in Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Austria, and every other country in Eastern Europe, death stalks in every Jewish home. We must help them to bridge over this terrible period. The star of hope to which their eyes are strained is right here in America. It is the promise of this campaign, let us not let this star wane on the horizon.

"I'd rather go down to death with the starving Jews of Poland than live with men of affluence whose hearts are so cruel that they will not give help to others."


"Jews at Rallies Hear Drive Pleas" -NY Times


United Campaign Enters Second Week With $2,474, 960 of $6,000,000 lacking


Boy, 9 turns in Savings Bank - Gristede's to Give 10% of Day's net - Salesmen offer Commissions

With $2,474,960 of New York's $6,000,000 quota toward the $15,000,000 national fund for the relief of Jews in Eastern Europe still to be raised, the second and last week of the United Jewish campaign in Greater New York meetings in synagogues, Reformed temples, sabbath schools, Talmud Torah's, club houses, Y.M.H.A. buildings, community centers, lodge rooms, and labor union headquarters. DAvid M. Bressler, Acting Chairman of the drive, estimated that the total attendace was about 500,000 persons. No contributions were taken at these meetings. but speakers spread the message of the sufferings of millions of Jews abroad to at least one third of the Jewish population of New York City. Last night's appeal, according to managers of the campaign, is expected greatly swell the total of contribution [sic].

Brown Tells of Emergency

The feature of the series of meetings was an address by David A. Brown, National Chairman of the drive, which was read at all the meetings, MR Brown said:

"Never in the history of the Jewish people, dating back for centuries, was there a situation like this, and never before in the history of the Jewish people was was there an emergency as great as this.

"Women and children are dropping on the streets from hunger in Bassarabia [sic]. Many others are found dead in their homes in Poland. A horrible scourge of of typhus is sweeping over the Jews in both lands, adding to the toll of death.

"In thousands of homes, men, women and children are sick to the point of utter exhaustion from hunger. There is another gruesome picture that that is given in the cable received by me and the Joint Distribution Committee in the last few days that unless substantial help came quickly - the Jewish orphan asylums will be compelled to close because their resources have been exhausted to the last penny. Thousands of children will be turned out into the streets to roam about aimlessly, hopelessly, blindly. Many children already on the streets eat what they can find in garbage cans or what they can pilfer from a shop or a stand. They sleep in alleys, in cellars. They are ragged. They are tattered and their morals are being destroyed.

"My European correspondents inform me that hundreds are killing themselves, are hastening death because their sufferings have made them impatient of its arrival.

"This without the slightest attempt at exaggeration is the situation in which millions - I repeat, millions - of our Jews in Europe are trapped. This is the situation which thus far we have coped with almost in vain.

"The Jews of America must immediately respond to this effort; they must make a sum of money greater than has ever been raised in the history of the Jews in this country in order that the tragedy which is overwhelming millions of their own flesh and blood shall be stayed.

Ex-Ambassador Gerard speaks

The help which non-Jews are giving to the drive was illustrated by an address made last night by James W. Gerard, former ambassador to Germany, at the meeting in Temple B'nai Jeshurun, Eighty-eighth Street and West End Avenue.

Contrasting America's stability with the economic and civil disturbances in European countries, Mr. Gerard showed how, in Eastern Europe, the Jews were the butt of the unrest and were therefore in need of the succor which the campaign is seeking to send.

Mr. Gerard said that while it was peculiarly fitting for those whom the newspapers choose to call 'Nordics' to preach and practice tolerance in this country, he wanted his hearers to impress upon the Eastern and Central Jewish immigrants to uphold America's institutions and not to upset them. He mentioned, among the large contributors to the fund, Felix M. Warburg, Louis Marshall, Benjamin Winter, Frederick Brown and Harry Fischell, and said that they had taken advantage of this country's opportunities and had become wealthy.

"They didn't march around with red flags nor did they go to Socialist schools and devise plans whereby this government might be overthrown," Mr. Gerard said. "They settled down to work and from the wealth they gathered - some by speculating in New York real estate - they are giving so much to their brethren in Europe. But they are entitled to every cent of profit they have made out of real estate, because they bet on the stability of the institutions of the United States.

MR. Gerard outlined many disturbing factors in Europe today. In England there is the strike, the probable results of which he pictured for his audience. Speaking of France, he said the franc "has almost dropped out of sight and may follow the German mark." The reason for this, he asserted, is that while the country is economically prosperous, the "citizens refuse to perform their duties as citizens and pay taxes."

The ex-Ambassador spoke of Mussolini's dictatorship in Italy, the military dictatorship in Spain, the industrial breakdown in Russia, the political troubles of Rumania and Hungary, and the warfare in Turkey and in Syria. Because the Jews are engaged in commerce and trade these disturbances affect them most keenly, he said.

Mrs. I. D. Morrison, Vice PResident of the sisterhood, presided. There was a musical program in which Miss Dorothea Edwards and Arcady Berkenholz participated.

Extent of Tragedy

Rabbi Israel Goldstein, who introduced Mr. Gerard, said:

"The tragedy of Jewish suffering has never before, until the recent devastating war, covered so large an area or affected so large a population.

"At the same time it is also true, and that is the one great consolation, that never before in any crisis affecting one portion of Jewry, was there as bright a prospect of salvationfrom another portion of Jewry as exists today in the affluence and general wealth of American Israel.

"To raise their quota of $6,000,000 for the relief of Eastern European Jewry, the Jews of New York are not even obliged to curtail their luxuries. It need only come from their unused surplus, so fortunate is their condition in this land at this time.

"I have faith that the Jewish heart, which always beats in rhythm with the Jewish need, will not fail in this emergency."

The story of the suffering of the Jews of Eastern Europe was told by MR. Bressler in an address before members of Temple Ansche Chesed, 111th Street and Seventh Avenue.

"The eyes of the entire Jewish world are on the Jews of New York during these weeks," he said. "This, the largest wealthiest Jewish community that has ever existed in the history of our people, is expected to respond adequately to the tragic cry of millions of our flesh and blood, or to plead guilty to the charge of moral murder. The Jew in this city, man or woman, who, not being himself into the $6,000,000 fund will be responsible for the death of some man, woman or child in Europe as responsible need of charity, does not contribute as if he had committed murder with his own hands."

Service Is Needed

Vice Chairman Jonah J. Goldstein, who was the principal speaker at the Institutional Synagogue, said:

"This is a campaign to save lives over there by raising money here. We need man-power and woman-power to go and get it. We seek service as well as money. No one can excuse himself for not giving because he or she has not been asked. The cries of the sufferers have been loud enough to be heard the world over. The cooperation of the newspapers in bringing this cry to the hearts of the people has been unparalleled in the history of philanthropy in this city. The salvation and lives of one-half of the Jews of the world is in our hands. There must be and is one answer, "Your brothers in Israel are coming to your rescue."

Judge Grover M. Moscowitz, Chairman of the Brooklyn division of the campaign, addressed several meetings in Brooklyn. Rabbi Louis Gross, Samuel J. Levinson and Harry Helpern also visited organizations making pleas for generous support of the drive.

At the Talmud Torah Pride of Israel in Williamsburg, Judge Moscowitz said:

"The depths of despair reached by our suffering people in Eastern Europe can be equaled only by the depths of degradation reached by those of their coreligionists in this city and country who hear their cries and remain deaf to this appeal.

"If we do not help these people, these men, women and children of our faith, race and kin, then nobody will aid them. Either we help them, or they perish - miserably, hopelessly - not all of them, to be sure, but in unnumbered thousands. That is God's simple truth. There has never before been a more appalling period in the history of the Jew."

Judge Mitchell May, addressing a large group in Brownsville, said:

"We hear about the people who are tired of giving and the people who are tired of working and the people who are tired of sacrificing, but do these people who suffer in want and deprivation, who suffer in sickness and disease, do they ever grow tired of that suffering? Do they ever grow tired of sickness and disease? Do we stop and reflect that God has given us strength and health, God has given us power that we can buy all the comforts of the world - that they are our neighbors and our brothers and our children who are starving and in need and distress? I cannot conceive of anyone who can put his head down on his pillow at night and think that someone else is suffering, that someone else is starving and dying, when he could give relief. If there be such a person, he is not a Jew - he has not theinstincts that every Jewish soul must have. He is false to his traditions, false to his people, and false to himself."

Says Jews Here Won't Fall

Speaking at Ninth Avenue Temple, Judge Edward Lazansky said:

"Starvation and pestilence are at hand. Thousands of Jews are suffering intensely and at death's door. They must be succored. The call is irresistable - it cannot be denied. The appeal is heart-rending, it may not be overlooked. The Jews of America, happy and prosperous, are the only ones who have power of staying disaster. They have never failed to do their duty - they will not fail now."

An appeal was made yesterday to the pupils of several hundred Jewish religious schools in all the boroughs of the city except Brooklyn, which will have its Children's Day next Sunday. It was estimated that the Children's gifts would amount to between $50,000 and $75,000 although complete tabulation was not made last night.

The pupils of the Temple B'nai Jeshurus religious school gave $200 and the 250 students in the high school department paid $10 each, to be paid in one year out of their personal allowances. A 6 year old boy took his savings bank, nearly filled with coins, to the campaign headquarters at the Hotel Biltmore and said he wanted to help. The bank holds $10 when filled and does not open until filled, so the boy said he would bring in additional coins until the $10 was reached. Teachers and pupils of the Hebrew Technical School for girls, Second Avenue and Fifteenth Street, gave $100, of which $54.50 was from the pupils.

Mr. Bressler announced that he had a letter from Gristede Brothers, Inc., that this concern would donate to the campaign 10 per cent of the proceeds next Thursday of all cash sales in its 115 chain grocery stores in in Manhatten, the Bronx, Mt. Vernon, Yonkers, New Rochelle, White Plains, Bronxville, LArchmont, Tarrytown, Port Chester, Rye, Pelham, Mamarcneck, Scarsdale, Hastings, and Greenwich Conn. The pledge was secured by Mrs. Isaac Kuble of the Advisory Board of the Women's Division of the campaign, to which the amount raised will be credited.

Two $1,000 donations from non-Jews were reported by Leon Lauterstein, Chairman of the Rockaway Division. One is from H. Hobart Porter, and the other from Thomas Williams, both of Lawrence L. L. Another non-Jewish contribution reported by Brooklyn headquarters was $2,000 from the W. M. Ritter Flooring Corporation.

Salesmen Pledge Commissions

Salesmen of Kunst & Small, lining makers, a firm represented in the Cotton Goods Committee of the Trade Division, have voluntarily pledged all their commissions earned in the first week of the drive to the fund.

A meeting of the real estate group will be held today at the campaign headquarters to plan the final intensive effort raise $1,000,000 from members of the industry. Harry Goodstein, Chairman of the group, announced that $403,000 of the quota is already in hand. Rabbis of Greater New York have already contributed $8,000 toward the $10,000 quota assigned to them, according to a report made by Rabbi Israel Goldstein, President of the New York Board of Jewish Ministers and chairman of the Rabbis Committee of the campaign. Among those who have made gifts are:



"Jews Ask Public To Aid War Victims" -NY Times,


Non-Sectarian Appeal For $7,500,000 Starts Today With Sermons In All Churches

Poland's Woe Appalling

Campaign to be pressed by 10,000 active workers in the five boroughs

A famished child upon the auction block, a mother in the foreground pleading for aid, death with outstretched arms lurking near and the legend "Shall Death Be the Highest Bidder?"

Such is the pictorial representation of the needs of stricken peoples in the war-devastated zones of Central and Eastern Europe which will confront New Yorkers everywhere today. Back of that representation stands an organization designed to take advatage of every channel to press home to the people of this city the need for contributing toward the $7,500,000 to be raised here this week by the Greater New York Appeal for Jewish War Sufferers.

This fund is but a tithe of that which must be subscribed in the entire country if disaster to whole peoples is to be averted. The world nature of the calamity, which has overtaken men, women and children, deprived not only of life's bare necessities but of all means of rehabilitating themselves without aid from the outside, has led leading Jews of New York and the nation to turn to the public, irrespective of creed, for help.

Heretofore the Jews themselves have contributed many many millions which have been expended by the Joint Distribution Committee through relief agencies of all countries and without regard to the religious beliefs of those in need. This time the burden is too gigantic to be borne by Jews alone.

Millions Racked by War

A pen picture of actual conditions, typical of those in several countries, has been sent to the Campaign Committee by Dr. Boris H. Bogen of this city, now in Warsaw as head of the First Relief Unit, sent abroad by the Joint Distribution Committee. Dr. Bogen writes:

"Hunger, cold rags, desolation, disease, death - Six million human beings without food, shelter, clothing or medical treatment in what now are but the wastes of once fair lands ravaged by long years of war or blighted by its consequences.

"That, in a few words is the actual situation in all those countries that constituted what was known during the conflict as the Eastern theatre of the war.

'Words cannot adequately convey nor can any picture be drawn which can bring home to comfortable, affluent, happy New Yorkers surrounded by their family and friends, riding in their automobiles, enjoying every luxury, the utter, abject, hopeless misery confronting the population of these lands, a population almost equal to that of New York City itself. If you would try to visualize, to realize the situation, place yourself at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street.

"The once teeming avenue is all but deserted. Gone are the gay equipages, their bejeweled occupants and liveried attendants. No longer are the sidewalks filled with a surging crowd of gayly dressed men and women. The street is all but still. Laughter and lively chatter are heard no more.

"Instead old men lean for support against the buildings. Mothers, with dying babes tugging vainly at their breasts sit along the curbs. The flower of what was once the young manhood and womanhood of the city is not in the picture, for they, by the thousands and tens of thousands, lie stricken in the overcroded hospitals, laid low by the breath of a pestilence.

Too Weak to Cry for Bread

"Little children with wasted frames and swollen bodies, cling to their mothers' rags, too weak to even cry for the bread that is not to be had.

"A bitter wind sweeps through the avenue from the north. A man - his tatters cannot be called clothes - his face blue and pinched, looks at you with unseeing eyes. You do not at first recognize him. It then dawns on you that you have seen that face before. It is the face of a friend, a man who but a few short months before was well-to-do, a banker, as prosperous, well fed and well dressed as you are now. He reaches out his arms toward you and falls at your feet. You stoop down to lift him up. He is dead!-Hunger did it.

"The scene is not exaggerated. Not overdrawn. It has its exact counter part in hundreds of cities, towns, and villages throughout Central and Eastern Europe at this very moment. The call comes from one human being to another, from those who have less than nothing to those who have much. It is the call of humanity.

"At no time during the war, in any land, not either in Belgium or Northern France, was their a situation more critical, a need more great, a demand for sacrifice and help more insistent than now comes from Eastern and Central Europe. Both the present and future existence of an entire people are at stake."

The campaign is receiving the active cooperation and support of archbishop Patrick J. Hayes of the Roman Catholic Diocese, Bishop Charles S. Burch of Episcopal diocese, Bishop Luther B. Wilson, President of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Miss Evangeline Booth, Commander of the Salvation Army.

Members of the executive committee include Cleveland H. Dodge, Treasurer of the Committee for the Relief in the Near East: President Nicholas Murray Butler of Columbia University. George Gordon Battla, Otto T. Bannard, John C. Agar, the Rev. Dr. David J. Hurrell, Robert Grier Cooke, Paul G. Cravath, Francis D. Gallatin, Charles H. Sabin, President of the Guaranty Trust Company: former Attorney General George W. Wickersham, Judge Joseph F. Mulqueen, Judge William H. Wadhams and Alfred E. Marling.

The appeal is to be brought home forcibly to the people of New York in many ways. Today is Church Sunday, and there will be special sermons in churches of all denominations. The Rev. Dr. S. Parkes Cadman has prepared a model sermon for Protestant churches. Vicar General Joseph F. Mooney has written a message to the Roman Catholic churches, and Dr. Nathan Stern, rabbi of the West End Synagogue, prepared an appeal to be read to the Jewish congregations.

Children in the public schools, through the cooperation of the Board of Education, are to hear the story of the sufferings of the children in other lands. In theaters, moving-picture houses, clubs, hotels and restaurants. In short, wherever people are gathered together, the conditions they are asked to alleviate will be made clear to them.

It is estimated that not fewer than 10,000 active workers have been enlisted in the cause in the five boroughs. The organization for the campaign has been divided into these parts: The organization of the trades and industries, so that not a single business or profession in the city has been overlooked: the women's division, embracing 3,000 women workers under the leadership of Mrs. I. Unterberg. Mrs. Samuel C. Lamport and Mrs. S.S. Prince, which has divided the city into districts: the women organized the schools and churches and will make a direct appeal to the homes and to the neighborhood store-keepers; the third organization is is that of the boroughs, each borough, Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, having a borough organization.


"The Sad Plight Of Jews" -NY Times 11/12/1919

Felix M. Warburg says that they were the worst sufferers in war

Felix M. Warburg, Chairman of the Join Distribution Committee of American Funds for Jewish War Sufferers, who returned several days ago from a trip to Europe for that organization, made public yesterday some of his findings.

"The successive blows of contending armies have all but broken the back of European Jewry," he said, "and have reduced to tragically unbelievable poverty, starvation and disease about 6,000,000 souls, or half the Jewish population of the earth.

"The Jewish people throughout Eastern Europe, by sheer accident of geography, have suffered more from the war than any other element of the population. The potential vitality and the capacity for self-help that remains to these people after the last five years is amazing to me."

"The people are deeply moved by the help given them by America, Mr. Warburg said, but it would be fatal to lessen the emergency aid now while millions are in tragic need. The $30,000,000 spent by the committee, he said, has fed and clothed more than a million children and has renewed the hope of five million parents and elders.

"For more than four years," he said, "The war on the Eastern front was fought largely in the congested centres of Jewish population. A straight north and south line from Riga, on the Baltic, to Salonika, on the Aegean Sea, will touch every important battle area of the Eastern war zone and every centre of Jewish population. After the cataclysm of the last few years it is too much to expect this Jewry to become self-sustaining in a short twelve-month."

Mr. Warburg is concerned over the program soon to be started for the discontinuance of of emergency relief. This plan, he said, calls for the formation of a $10,000,000 reconstruction corporation.

"This organization," he said, "would afford facilities for constructive aid to Jews abroad in the way of loans and credit at nominal interest rates. The value of this sort of assistance as a substitute for pure charity is apparent."

"Other relief projects recommended by Mr. Warburg include the establishment of an express company to forward money and packages from Jews in this country to relatives and friends abroad; the distribution of $120,000 worth of fuel in sections of Poland where destitution is greatest; the purchase of $300,000 worth of cloth in the bolt whereby unemployed workmen of Poland may get new material, and a plan to reunite those Jewish families that have relatives in the United States and those who have become separated abroad.

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