-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002, thew wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> This is an open honest question -
> What are you supposed to do, as a soldier when you are attacked by
> civilians?
> (I will note some reports included Molotov cocktails along with the rocks,
> which might make one¹s choice easier ­ but lets just follow with the details
> in this report)
> It is possible to really hurt or kill some by throwing stones ­ so what
> response would be correct when attacked in this manner?

The answer is the same as to the reverse question:

What would be the correct civilian response to
soldiers firing bullets and tank shells at civilians?
What's a good civilian to do?

Start a cycle of escalating peace, instead of escalating
the cycle of violence?

Is humiliating people "walking them naked like dogs"
going to help the peace process? Or is it going to
make things worse? Who benefits? Sounds to me kind
of what Hitler used to do to the Jews. - .. History
repeating itself again...

It's too bad humans tend to strike back when they are
humiliated enough and driven to corners, instead of
submissing and dying or leaving their land, thus giving
birth to the "terrorism" and "freedom fighters".

It would be naive to assume that Israeli leaders do
not understand this much. - They do.

The actual problem lies with the political leadership's
interests and their bought policies that do not want
peace, but which seek to create the problems, with military
corporations that benefit from the struggle of war and
who can afford to buy the leaders. A cycle of money runs
the cycles of violence.

The result is a policy of "Jewish Lebensraum" - straight
from Adolf, although we aren't allowed to call it that in

Sharon, Bush and Adolf now share exactly the same "problem
of terrorism", only Palestinians and Arabs are now playing
the part of Jews.

Bush, Carlyle & co, with options to Blair, are working
hard to establish the same cycle of violence with arabs
and americans, while establishing a de-facto corporate
military dictatorship in the United States, which will
practically enslave their own people.

With Posse comitatus effectively dead, there's no hope
for a better or longer lasting '1984' dictatorship.
(With Pentagon running a domestic spy-agency directly
controlled by the president with dictatorial powers over
it's employees and no public oversight, that's what it is.)

You're leaders are smart enough to know this, and also
smart enough to people with provide trivial "they hate
us because we are free" answers to the problems. - They
are making money and it is just business.

A true civilian society would seek peace and stability,
instead of conflict, aggravate situations and provoke war.
The society Israel and Americans are living in, is a
military business dictatorship and it lives off of war.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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