-Caveat Lector-

A Capitol Hill Mystery: Who Aided Drug Maker?

November 29, 2002

WASHINGTON, Nov. 28 - Lobbyists for Eli Lilly & Company,
the pharmaceutical giant, did not have much luck when they
made the rounds on Capitol Hill earlier this year, seeking
protection from lawsuits over a preservative in vaccines.
Senator Bill Frist, Republican of Tennessee, tucked a
provision into a bill that went nowhere. When lawmakers
rebuffed a request to slip language into domestic security
legislation, a Lilly spokesman said, the company gave up.

Now, in a Washington whodunit worthy of Agatha Christie,
the provision has been resurrected and become law, as part
of the domestic security legislation signed on Monday by
President Bush. Yet in a city where politicians have
perfected the art of claiming credit for deeds large and
small, not a single member of Congress - or the Bush
administration - will admit to being the author of the
Lilly rider.

"It's turning into one of Washington's most interesting
parlor games," said Dave Lemmon, spokesman for Senator
Debbie Stabenow, Democrat of Michigan, who has promised to
introduce legislation to repeal the provision. "There's a
lot of guessing, a lot of speculation as to who did this."

The provision forces lawsuits over the preservative,
developed by Eli Lilly and called thimerosal, into a
special "vaccine court." It may result in the dismissal of
thousands of cases filed by parents who contend that
mercury in thimerosal has poisoned their children, causing
autism and other neurological ailments. Among them are
Joseph and Theresa Counter of Plano, Tex., devoted
Republicans whose party allegiance has run smack into
family ties.

The Counters' 6-year-old son, Joseph Alexander, was normal
and healthy until he was 2, they say. Then he took an
unexplained downward slide. Today, the boy struggles with
words. He cannot zip his pants, snap buttons or tie his
shoes. His parents say tests eventually showed that he had
mercury poisoning, which they attribute to vaccines. They
sued last year.

"I know that our legislative system can be very, very messy
at times," said Mr. Counter, a political consultant, who
with his wife has spent many thousands of dollars on
medical care and therapy for their son. "But for them to
attempt this, in the dead of night? It disgusts me. This
morning, I am ashamed to be a Republican."

With lawmakers now scattered across the country, Washington
is rife with speculation about who is responsible for
aiding Lilly, a major Republican donor. During the 2002
election cycle, the company gave more money to political
candidates, $1.6 million, than any other pharmaceutical
company, with 79 percent of it going to Republicans,
according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a
nonprofit research group that monitors campaign finances.

Critics of the provision, mainly Democrats and trial
lawyers, are quick to point out that the White House has
close ties to Lilly. The first president Bush sat on the
Lilly board in the late 1970's. The White House budget
director, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., is a former Lilly
executive. The company's chairman and chief executive,
Sidney Taurel, was appointed in June by President Bush to
serve on a presidential council that will advise Mr. Bush
on domestic security.

The White House, however, has said that it did not ask
Congress for the provision. Rob Smith, a spokesman for
Lilly, said that the company's lobbyists "made absolutely
no contact with Mitch or anyone in his office about this,"
and that Mr. Taurel "did not at any time ask" for any

"It's a mystery to us how it got in there," Mr. Smith said
of the provision.

Senator Frist has said it is a mystery to him as well. As
the Senate's only doctor, he sought to include the
provision in legislation that would promote the
availability of vaccines. But the vaccine bill is stalled;
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, the Massachusetts Democrat who
is chairman of the Senate health committee, opposes it. Mr.
Frist's spokesman said he did not seek to have the
provision included in the domestic security bill.

On Capitol Hill, Congressional aides-turned-detectives have
traced the emergence of the provision to the Veterans Day
weekend. Flush from their party's victories on Election
Day, and with a mandate from President Bush to pass a
domestic security bill, Republican negotiators in the House
and Senate holed up for three days in the Capitol to hammer
out the details, said Richard Diamond, spokesman for the
retiring House majority leader, Representative Dick Armey
of Texas.

One aide said the language mysteriously appeared in the
House version of the bill in entirely different type than
the rest of the measure, as though someone had clipped it
out of Mr. Frist's legislation and simply pasted it in. Mr.
Diamond said all the negotiators supported the move, but
would not say who was responsible.

"If you want to give somebody credit for it," he said, "Mr.
Armey takes ultimate credit. It's his bill. We are happy to
wrap ourselves around it, but Mr. Armey is not a doctor,
like Senator Frist. He's the source of the language."

Whether thimerosal is truly harmful is the subject of
intense scientific controversy. Earlier this year, the
National Academy of Sciences issued a report saying there
was no scientific evidence either to prove or disprove a
link between thimerosal and brain disorders like autism.
But the academy did find that such a link was "biologically
plausible," and so it urged pharmaceutical companies to
eliminate thimerosal, which has already been removed from
many vaccines, as quickly as possible.

The Lilly rider closes a loophole in a 1986 law that
requires victims to file claims with the vaccine court,
which awards payments from a taxpayer-financed compensation
fund, before going to civil court. But the law covered only
vaccines themselves, not their ingredients, which meant
people like the Counters could sue ingredient manufacturers
like Lilly directly.

While Washington debates the origins of the provision,
families are fuming. Some say the government fund will do
them no good, because they have missed the statute of
limitations - three years from the date symptoms first
appear - for filing claims. Scott and Laura Bono of Durham,
N.C., say that while their son Jackson, now 13, showed
symptoms similar to autism six or seven years ago, it was
not until August 2000 that they learned he had mercury
poisoning. They filed suit just the other day.

Aware of the controversy, lawmakers in both parties have
pledged to alter the thimerosal rider, but are arguing
about how to do so. While many Democrats want it repealed,
Republicans have suggested that they may simply alter the
language to apply to future cases only.

"I'll believe it when I see it," said Mr. Waters, the
Counters' lawyer.

In the meantime, Mr. Smith, the Lilly spokesman, said his
company would soon go to court to seek dismissal of the

That news made Theresa Counter cry.

"It just makes me sick," she said. "I cannot tell you how
devastating it is to think that we might have to start all


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