-Caveat Lector-
Firstly, the link doesn't work? I assume it's misspelt?
Secondly, if this "review" isn't a piece of schlock as per it's last paragraph, "I can only comment that we are very lucky to be able to read this before all writers of this nature are hauled away to the concentration camps all over USA, never to be seen again," then I for one would none-the-less still remain in fits of side-splitting laughter.
Thirdly, I have no idea why anyone would want to waste there good hard-earned money to purchase material plagiarised from the public domain and readily available to any conspiracy nut with a PC and Internet connection. With PC gear one can readily print sections off if needed and also store material to the hard drive or other electronic media along with the advantages of rapid retrieval functions for reference and the ability to freely share with other users at the speed of silicon.
Fourth, the reviewer begins the sales pitch with the usual foundational ploy words to illicit interest and bypass rational judgement like, "seem to be" and "must surely" and the usual curious questionings such "Are THEY ... " followed by "i think" and "Probably" and "most convincing" and the excited "Unbelievable" and the mysterious "man who claims" so on and so forth phrases variously applied throughout. After we have read long enough this sophistry and overlooked the plethora of hinted may be's and could be's it attempts to solidify our acceptance of the topics with a finale of, "... you will be in a position to fight for TRUTH with the necessary FACTS." (emphasis mine).   
Now you will excuse me if I have another chuckle and cannot quickly locate the particular lexicon which defines "truth" and "facts" for the conspiratorially minded - often I prefer to simply define it is hair-brained fantasy. Presuppositions of "i think" and son forth, are mere conjecture and oft little more than rumour. They are not "facts" nor "truth" by any etymological or rational definition. 
Perhaps individuals immersed in Conspiracy theories might wish to ask the question as to whether or not conspiracy speculations in themselves are part of the "Conspiracy" planted by various political, Intel, military, religious, media or financial et al groups? Apologies, I now realise I omitted "aliens" in my list. Or perhaps consider the possibility that conspiracy now forms a part of "the business of America which is business".  
I would question and challenge these groups. I oft wonder if they are simply not psychologically projecting their own paranoid fears, phobias and the mentality which desires to control everything, onto the visible and very often invisible "others"? I have asked Conspiracy people along the lines to define the distance of separation between the "them and us" mentality and met with dumbstruck jaws.   
I first bought to the Internet the notion that "Conspiracy Theory" itself was a political tool. One of the more blatant examples, which still survives today was Hitler's use of the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion to persecute and exterminate amongst many others, political, ideological and ethnic groups.   
In Mein Kampf, Chapter XI: Nation and Race -- Volume I: A Reckoning, Catholic Hitler claims, “. . . To what extent the whole existence of this people is based on a continuous lie is shown incomparably by the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, so infinitely hated by the Jews. They are based on a forgery, the Frankfurter Zeitung moans and screams once every week: the best proof that they are authentic. What many Jews may do unconsciously is here consciously exposed. And that is what matters. It is completely indifferent from what Jewish brain these disclosures originate; the important thing is that with positively terrifying certainty they reveal the nature and activity of the Jewish people and expose their inner contexts as well as their ultimate final aims. The best criticism applied to them, however, is reality. Anyone who examines the historical development of the last hundred years from the standpoint of this book will at once understand the screaming of the Jewish press. For once this book has become the common property of a people, the Jewish menace may be considered as broken” (307-308).
Today, Hitler's words and sentiments are re-echoed globally 24/7 on the Net. But to make the point again, it is to illustrate how the influence of a complete fakery and forgery and the mesmerising force of shear fantasy can illicit a malevolent outcome on behalf of dictators versed in the art of political propaganda.
I am grateful that the moderator of this forum has followed my own thinking with the caveat lector when it comes to such matters that Conspiracy, "... is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought ..." and that's not a bad summation always worth keeping in mind.
For die-hard core believers, much of Conspiracy Theory is much like as mystical religious experience, by faith it is Gnostic, by nature it is world-denying and by thought it is dire pessimistic paralysis.
Whilst this review may not come under intentional, "Proselytizing propagandic screeds" as stated under this forums "Declaration," a bit of free publicity I'm sure won't detract from potential sales to the ... well I suppose I shouldn't use the Conspiracy acolytes derogatory label for the outcast plebeians "sheeple" here, so let's say "like-minded readership," as being more apropos.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Wingate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 1:24 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Review of the Universal Seduction, Volume II

> -Caveat Lector-
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
> From:                  
> Subject:                SNET: Review of the Universal Seduction, Volume II
> Date sent:              Fri, 29 Nov 2002 11:58:23 +1300 (NZDT)
> Review of the Universal Seduction, Volume II
> By Jo McNaught
> Researcher and Author
> I would like to add my comments here, as it's basically the first time I
> have seen 'the conspiracy'---as it were---laid out like this. . . this
> complete as to what is involved in one big book. I've always been meaning to
> try to find out who is doing what and where, but finding out the whole story,
> without buying dozens of books, has been daunting. At last, someone has
> pieced together the whole works with this!
> What impressed me the most about Vol. 2 is factual details spelled out by
> former intelligence insiders on what the boys at the top intend for our
> somewhat unfair communal fate---that of being subjected to mass genocide,
> alien implants and continual tracking of our activities.
> We've got here: a one world govt., one world economy, and one world
> religion, and according to these Intel. Agents, aliens are at the back of it
> all. Where are these aliens then? They seem to be closing in from all sides,
> not only physically, but astrally according to writers Cassie and James
> Bartley who give an insight into nocturnal harassments by reptilian aliens
> with their perversions and a need to find a host.
> The type of activity going on illegally by the US govt. must surely be the
> biggest cover-up the world has ever encountered. It seems we have been
> brainwashed by covert mind control using alien technology given in exchange
> for who knows what? "Suddenly" life is going to be found out there in the
> cosmos and our space brothers will be our saviors, so the lying plan goes. An
> open letter to Dr. Steven Greer who is in charge of the (alien) Disclosure
> movement shows us how harmful these predators are, that the govt. has made
> alliances with. This has been written by Guy Malone.
> Are the black flying triangles manned by aliens or a secret govt. project?
> The Men in Black are covered by Major Jack Downing. Are they govt. agents,
> ETs or both? The line blurs, but there's an explanation. I think it's a good
> idea to find out from people who have had dealings with aliens to get at the
> real truth of this covert plan---the preparation to make us all heel under
> one world rule, controlled by the UN.
> Neal Kruse has excelled himself, I think, and shattered a few illusions I had
> that all these large organizations all did their own thing. The planetary
> takeover has been implemented via the homogenization of humanity, as Neal
> aptly describes it. Disinformation agents are everywhere, twisting our
> perception as to who are the good agents and who are the bad.
> The interview by Teresa de Veto with US army, (DIA) retired John Maynard
> reveals to us exactly what is going on with the aliens from top secret
> documents. This is backed up by the late Bill Cooper, (shot as he defended
> his home and freedom). Cooper was in Navy intelligence, and is now
> a martyr for the resistance. He wrote on how those in secret societies:
> Freemasons, intelligence agencies, US govt. big wigs, big business, and the
> Bilderbergers (mainly European royalty) and the aliens are in collusion with
> a plan to enslave us all.
> For more on the Bilderbergers, Tony Gosling has written on who is who and how
> the powerful elitists operate in their secret annual meetings, deciding how
> to run the planet---which wars to plan, etc. Copies of the agenda always find
> their way through to the resistance spies from the convention staff, though.
> Probably the best and most convincing expose on the Illuminati or elite world
> controllers comes from the chapter by Dr, John Coleman, who was a former
> British MI6 agent. The whole operation is financed by running the drug
> trade. If that isn't sickening enough, all the chapters on covert mind
> control will wake one up to the fact that we are manipulated and deceived
> every minute of every single day, from the cradle to the grave---from the
> controlled, lying media, to subliminals pumped over the TV and in movies, not
> to mention the transmitters located all over the country. I'd not realized
> just how deeply rooted this strangulation of mankind has become. Quite
> frankly it's a worrying thought that aliens are planning a takeover, but the
> mind control activities are beyond belief!
> The book details how mind control was developed and how Manchurian
> Candidates are created. Emmy award writer, Tim Swartz, covers behavior
> modification using electromagnetic mind control devices and mid 70's
> research. Rayelan Allen compiled information on the CIA created sleeper
> agents from her former husband who was a top intelligence agent himself, and
> was in turn, mind controlled so he forgot who his own wife was.
> What they are doing now is creating trauma based alternate personalities,
> where parts of a person's psyche are programmed to snap into action with
> keywords. This has not only been done to many to commit murders--- unknown to
> their normal selves, (or consciousness)---but this is used to split a
> person's soul into parts which are put onto different timelines and sent
> round the universe with the US govt. secret space program in which portals
> are opened and wormholes are created to, amazingly, travel into parallel
> universes. Unbelievable, but those in the know vouch for this.
> Eve Lorgen's interview with a "Super Warrior Gone Rogue", a man who claims to
> have been sent from Area 51 onto different timelines and has time-traveled
> all over the universe, is awesome. His soul was downloaded into a computer,
> programmed and put back into him. This, in itself, is surreal
> Al Bielek has a chapter on the Philadelphia Experiment where a navy ship
> disappeared during an experiment during WW2 and reappeared 4 hours later,
> having gotten stuck in hyperspace. He is a survivor. There are also chapters
> on Montauk which are rather interesting because Al Bielek worked at Montauk
> himself for years doing time travel experiments and made many trips to Mars
> through time tunnels created by his brother in conjunction with Cray super
> computers, as given by the aliens.
> Helga Morrow wrote: Project Montauk Revisited. Her father was involved with
> the project and he himself was sent into a parallel universe. He was a
> personal friend of John Von Neuman and also knew Nicola Tesla well.
> Christi Verismo details Australia's Area 51 at Pine Gap, and how they run
> HAARP together with the large mainframes to track all correspondence on the
> planet daily, using satellites controlled from there. Plus the fact that
> there is a large alien base 5 miles below Pine Gap where the same type of
> gruesome genetic experiments go on, as in Dulce, NM.
> Todd Berran wrote on the Montauk Project, implants, triggers and
> deprogramming. Another interesting chapter is on Scientology from a former
> top level member, Ole Gerstrom. He writes on the malevolent management,
> schisms and harassment. Also, ancient mass mind control programs.
> Bill Ross, a former NASA employee wrote a chapter called Catch A Falling
> Star. This covers his personal experiences of filming alien space ships for
> this agency, and what he terms "electronic-occultism". He also covers ELF
> mind control.
> Another intriguing chapter is 'Who was Royal Rife?' In which it is discovered
> that diseases can be electronically reproduced and induced by creating the
> magnetic frequency signature they operate on. A man called Royal Rife did a
> lot of research into this, found a cure for cancer and then mysteriously
> died.
> Sherman Skolnick's chapter on the 9-11 scenario is written by a real
> professional, and if anyone discovers what really happened, it may be just
> this man. He has covered the CIA in depth, not to mention other agencies,
> right down to who benefits.
> There is a short piece entitled: "The Illegal Quasi-Govt. in Washington DC. "
> This illustrates where their real loyalties lie . . .-shadow operations
> through corporations and bankers.
> Tim Swartz wrote a chapter on the cloning activities which are currently
> going on behind the scenes and how it all began---The ET connections and how
> they are involved in cloning.
> Andrew Hennessey has written an interesting report on the high UFO activity
> in Scotland, plus the UK govt. interference with people who are contactees.
> Lee Finkle also writes on her own alien visitations, right from childhood.
> On the whole, I am more than satisfied with this book as a good report by
> reliable intelligence witnesses and other researchers on covert activities
> which we need to know about---that which is being done with the utmost
> treachery and treason by elected govt.. officials and the military who have
> sold out the human race to aliens, and probably think that they will have
> some sort of role in a new earth political system (minus billions) once the
> world has been depopulated artificially to leave the genetically desired
> races.
> This book will make you mad, upset you, but armed with this knowledge, you
> will be in a position to fight for truth with the necessary facts to start an
> end to the media deception. Certainly, one will become more intelligent and
> mature once it has all been read and digested. I can only comment that we are
> very lucky to be able to read this before all writers of this nature are
> hauled away to the concentration camps all over USA, never to be seen again.
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
> --------------------------------------
> Steve Wingate, Webmaster
> Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D
> <A HREF="'http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.orghttp://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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