-Caveat Lector- Someone on one of the lists I belong to posted an article hysterically decrying the passing of the Homeland Security Bill particularly with regard to the issue of those "enforced vaccinations" and concentration camps looming in our future, and she asked a very logical question (quoted below) which caused me to set out to find the answer (being the birddog that I am!). During my research, I noticed that the vast majority of the "hits" I was getting were responses, opinions and interpretations but no solid facts. I do find it interesting how quickly these things get passed around without some fact-checking being done before the accusations start to fly.
Below, you will find a fairly representative collection of links and direct quotes from source documents along with a few other items (including my own interpretation) to help you draw your own informed conclusions. It is, by no means, exhaustive, but it's more than I could find elsewhere. Your conclusions may differ, but at least they will have more foundation to them. Hi goodsis, last weekend you posted the article "No One Is Safe From America's 'Killer President'", with the following question preceding it: "I have not yet seen anything to confirm what this writer is claiming - that forced, mandatory vaccinations were written into the HS bill, are in our future. Has anyone actually seen the text of the bill? Or seen other references to this part of it? Goodsister" It took me a bit of time, but I have done some research and turned up the following information: This paragraph is taken from an article that was published back in May regarding the Homeland Security department just created: "Perhaps the most ominous measure is the inclusion in the Department of Homeland Defense of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), now headed by Bush’s former campaign manager, Joseph Albaugh. FEMA was designated as the lead agency in plans developed 20 years ago under the Reagan administration to impose martial law in the event of a new and unpopular Vietnam-style war in Central America. FEMA’s brief included the establishment of prison camps at mothballed military bases for the detention of hundreds of thousands of US citizens and foreign immigrants." http://www.wsws.org/articles/2002/jun2002/bush-j08.shtml I've done a rather quick cursory scan of the document recently passed by Congress (all 484 pages of it) and have noted that it does not go into the specifics of any particular situation but simply puts forth who is in charge and what is generally expected of them, along with limitations on liabilities (as we've heard already). The specifics for the enforced vaccinations, I believe, will be found in publications originating with FEMA, which is now officially under the umbrella of this department, or a similar agency. I have copied a few paragraphs from the document that relates to the issue being questioned. This is the section referred to by the AAP website. It is found on page 76, under TITLE III "SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN SUPPORT OF HOMELAND SECURITY", Section 304 "CONDUCT OF CERTAIN PUBLIC HEALTH RELATED ACTIVITIES": ‘‘(2) DECLARATION BY SECRETARY CONCERNING COUNTERMEASURE AGAINST SMALLPOX.- ‘‘(A) AUTHORITY TO ISSUE DECLARATION.- ‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.-The Secretary [presumably that would be Tom Ridge] may issue a declaration, pursuant to this paragraph, concluding that an actual or potential bioterrorist incident or other actual or potential public health emergency makes advisable the administration of a covered countermeasure to a category or categories of individuals. ‘‘(ii) COVERED COUNTERMEASURE.- The Secretary shall specify in such declaration the substance or substances that shall be considered covered counter- measures (as defined in paragraph (8)(A)) for purposes of administration to individuals during the effective period of the declaration. ‘‘(iii) EFFECTIVE PERIOD.-The Secretary shall specify in such declaration the beginning and ending dates of the effective period of the declaration, and may subsequently amend such declaration to shorten or extend such effective period, provided that the new closing date is after the date when the declaration is amended. Under TITLE V "EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE" starting on page 205, we find: SEC. 507. ROLE OF FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY. (a) IN GENERAL.-The functions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency include the following: (1) All functions and authorities prescribed by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.). (2) Carrying out its mission to reduce the loss of life and property and protect the Nation from all hazards by leading and supporting the Nation in a comprehensive, risk-based emergency management program- (A) of mitigation, by taking sustained actions to reduce or eliminate long-term risk to people and property from hazards and their effects; (B) of planning for building the emergency management profession to prepare effectively for, mitigate against, respond to, and recover from any hazard; (C) of response, by conducting emergency operations to save lives and property through positioning emergency equipment and supplies, through evacuating potential victims, through providing food, water, shelter, and medical care to those in need, and through restoring critical public services; (D) of recovery, by rebuilding communities so individuals, businesses, and governments can function on their own, return to normal life, and protect against future hazards; and (E) of increased efficiencies, by coordinating efforts relating to mitigation, planning, response, and recovery. (b) FEDERAL RESPONSE PLAN.- (1) ROLE OF FEMA.-Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall remain the lead agency for the Federal Response Plan established under Executive Order 12148 (44 Fed. Reg. 43239) and Executive Order 12656 (53 Fed. Reg. 47491). (2) REVISION OF RESPONSE PLAN.-Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency shall revise the Federal Response Plan to reflect the establishment of and incorporate the Department. Since it appears that the new bill does not directly state the policy in question, it must be assumed that the information should be found within one of the departments that would be involved with setting such a policy. Ironically, this information is not easy to come by. A review of FEMA's website ( http://www.fema.gov/ ) determined that they give the appearance of being focused more on floods and other natural disaster aids, there was nothing on bioterrorism-preparedness. So I decided to change my tactic just a bit and research Medical States Emergency Preparedness Act, which you may recall didn't go down so well in most states and did cause quite an uproar from both the left and the right. This was where the original plan for enforced "treatments" and quarantining of those refusing treatment was located. A google search turned up many responses but practicaly NO originating documentation on this, I had to do several different searches using different key words just to find the "official" sites involved! I found this article posted at the vaccination news website, which gave me my first big break tracking this down. It was released in November 2001, when everybody was already hot on the topic due to the anthrax attacks of the month before: Enforceable, Mandatory Vaccination Seen Necessary in Event of Smallpox Attack WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) Nov 05 - Should smallpox be used as a biological weapon in the USA, public health officials must have the authority to quarantine and forcibly vaccinate the entire population — with the help of the military if needed — an expert said on Monday. "You can't have a patchy response. There has to be compulsion" to vaccinate in the event of an attack, said Dr. Stephen D. Prior, the research director at the National Security Health Policy Center. "Each state has different laws and that's one of the problems," he said. Massachusetts and other states have laws allowing authorities to force mass vaccination to stem outbreaks of highly contagious disease, but the federal government has no enforceable way of guaranteeing widespread vaccination. The government is in the process of procuring 300 million smallpox vaccine doses, enough for every person living in the US. Officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that they have no plans to institute mass vaccination because there is currently no identifiable threat of a smallpox attack. Authorities currently plan to deal with any possible smallpox outbreaks by vaccinating in a widening circle around a newly discovered case. Such a practice is useful with a relatively fixed population, Dr. Prior said, but it is essentially useless in a highly mobile society. Dr. Anita Barry, the communicable disease control director for the Boston Public Health Commission in Massachusetts, told a Senate subcommittee last Friday that states needed the authority to confine infected persons to their homes for quarantine. Federal law gives the US Surgeon General the authority to vaccinate and quarantine individuals to protect the public health. "But he has no means of enforcing it," Dr. Prior said. A spokesman for the chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, Edward Kennedy (D-MA), said that mass vaccination is not part of the bioterrorism bill lawmakers are expected to consider soon. "We've heard the issue but we've done nothing with it," said spokesman James Manley. Military planners are currently mulling whether or not they should have a role in enforcing mandatory mass vaccinations or quarantines in the event of a highly contagious biological attack, said Edgar H. Brenner, co-director of the Inter-University Center for Legal Studies in Washington. Brenner told reporters that he had discussed the potential plans with high-ranking military officials. "They had no answer yet," he said. But Pentagon spokesman James Turner could not confirm the conversations Brenner mentioned or that officials are discussing such plans. Dr. Prior acknowledged that the potential for federally enforced mandatory vaccinations could arouse anti-government sentiments in some sectors of the American public. Any mass-vaccination policy would also have to take into account the vaccine's side effects. Historically, the smallpox vaccine caused serious reactions in about one in every 4000 persons and caused death in about four per million. "The debate has to take place, and the public has to be involved," he said. http://id.medscape.com/reuters/prof/2001/11/11.06/20011105publ006.html A search on "National Security Health Policy Center" turned up their official website: http://www.potomacinstitute.org/academic/nshpc.cfm Here is a link to a 12 page pdf document authored by this institute regarding "Bioterrorism Response": http://www.potomacinstitute.org/pubs/emerging%20perspectives.pdf There is some interesting info in the document, but it appears they have it protected in some way so that I can't lift any of it out to share here, and all efforts to convert it using the Adobe conversion tools have failed. You will have to download and view it. It discusses at great length the need for securing public support, in particular for quarantining measures, in the event of an emergency, and the obstacles to that support, as well as the logical needs for it. Maybe I could accept that if I didn't have the feeling that any "bioterrorism" or other "terrorist" event hasn't been manufactured to secure further government control and power over the people, and I'm not alone in that feeling. This is the most typical response I've seen regarding the original attempts at passing an "Emergency Response" act through state channels. I suspect the biggest reason that the Bush administration reversed their initial "resistance" to the idea of an official Department of Homeland Security lies with this resistance at state level. The department has now circumvented the need to get the states to pass these measures, since the federal mandate overrules state law in this regard. Naturally, any attempts by this administration to reassure the public that they only have their health and safety in mind (if they were to really want to bother with such an arcane notion!) would only be met with further resistance by many. They haven't given us ANY reason to trust them to date! November 23, 2001 Subject: Forced vaccination The federal government via the Centers for Disease Control is asking states to draft legislation that would circumvent the Constitution in the event of a communicable disease. For example, in California Assemblyman Keith Richman, R-Sun Valley, is reported to be drafting legislation that would implement forced quarantine, confiscation of property and control and closure of pharmacies and health facilities, upon order of politicians who control state health departments, not local health authorities. All that is needed is for the governor of a state to declare a state of public health emergency for these laws to be put into force. There would be no time for the citizenry to check on the validity of a state of emergency. The public should be informed of the following: 1. There has been a communicable viral disease in the US since the 1980s for which there is no vaccine and only recently has any effective drug therapy been available, yet there was never a call for quarantine, confiscation of property, etc. That disease is AIDS. 2. Smallpox has been eradicated from the earth since 1977. But the Federal government ordered smallpox vaccine in April of 2001, long before there was any overt terrorist attack upon the US. 3. The entire world stock of smallpox virus is in the control of Russia and the United States, which means there is greater likelihood of it being used by politicians to exert control over a population than from any so-called terrorist sources. Any bioterrorist is likely to infect himself, and the disease may encircle the earth and infect the terrorists’ homeland, so it is not a targeted biological weapon. 4. The report of 30% mortality rates and widespread cross-infection is only a worst-case scenario. Steven Milloy at www.junkscience.com reports that the idea that one infected person with smallpox will infect 10 others is simply overstated. Most smallpox outbreaks have been small and in one study of 161 persons, 12 whom had face-to-face contact with a smallpox-infected person, none acquired the disease. 5. Since 1949 there hasn’t been a single case of smallpox in the US but the disease hadn’t been totally eradicated from the planet till 1977. Vaccination rates were not 100%, so what kept Americans from coming down with smallpox in an era when there were many immigrants entering the US from foreign lands where smallpox was rampant at the time? The answer may lie in the fact we are a well fed population and our foods are fortified with vitamins, a practice that began in the 1940s. The medical literature indicates nutrients such as selenium, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E may thwart viral infection and boost the immune system better than vaccines. 6. A simple case of chicken pox in its early stages can be mistaken for smallpox even by the best experts, and an undue panic set off in the population at large. There is no current treatment for smallpox, but if exposed individuals are vaccinated within 4 days they can avoid the disease. Public health authorities could force the population to roll up their sleeves and get inoculated in a 4-day period over a mistaken case of the chicken pox. 7. The World Health Organization advises against smallpox vaccination because of the horrible side effects. More people may die of the vaccine than the disease. Should the entire population be inoculated (the federal government has ordered enough vaccine for 300 million people), then an estimated 300 would die, thousands would experience brain inflammation (encephalitis), most children would experience fever over 102 degrees, and 30 percent of the population would experience swelling of their lymph glands. A large percentage of the population has compromised immune systems and cannot safely be vaccinated (those with organ transplants, eczema, diabetics, the elderly, small children, patients undergoing chemotherapy, etc.). 8. The prospect of politicians being put in control of quarantine camps smacks of concentration camps. Most likely vaccination confirmation cards would be required for employment and travel, which would smack of a national ID card. In the past, people with confirmed communicable disease were confined to their homes, not to quarantine camps. Current health laws are adequate and local health authorities prevent the misuse of authority by federal and state politicians. Any legislation should be rejected. Bill Sardi President Knowledge of Health, Inc. San Dimas, California http://www.vaccinationnews.com/DailyNews/November2001/ForcedVax.htm I next turned my attention on the CDC, which generally makes the most powerfully effective recommendations where public health is concerned, and finally hit the "Big Time"! Website for the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/ Their page devoted to smallpox: http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/index.asp This one has all the links for pdf and Word versions of the various sections of the Smallpox Response Plan: http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/smallpox/response-plan/index.asp >From the Executive Summary of the plan: "In response to the potential use of biological agents against civilians, the federal government has committed to upgrading preparedness, readiness, and national defenses against bioterrorist weapons. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been designated as the lead agency for upgrading national public health capabilities for responding to biological terrorism" and "This Smallpox Response Plan is a working document that is updated regularly. Because state and local health officials are at the heart of an effective response to a smallpox emergency, their input will be continually sought as additional revisions are made to this plan. The plan is, however, operational and would be implemented should a smallpox emergency occur. The CDC Director may implement all or portions of the CDC Smallpox Response Plan under the “Criteria for Implementation” that are found in the next section." and "Vaccinating and monitoring a “ring” of people around each case and contact will help to protect those at the greatest risk for contracting the disease as well as form a buffer of immune individuals to prevent the spread of disease. This strategy would be more desirable than an indiscriminate mass vaccination campaign..." it then goes on to list the reasons for this, which I won't include here, since this is getting long enough. The following paragraph is taken from Section C of the plan, which discusses quarrantine issues: "Local or state legal statutes regarding public health authorities for isolation of infectious persons and quarantine of potentially infected and incubating persons should be followed in implementing the control measures described below. If existing local or state public health statutes do not allow for implementation and enforcement of appropriate isolation and quarantine measures, federal public health statutes for the control of infectious diseases may be applied to assist local and state authorities in implementing the necessary outbreak control measures." Since, regardless of potential source, we are all vulnerable to this potential, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to download the info from the CDC website so you can learn as much as possible what the plan is. Some information can probably also be gleaned from this website: http://www.nga.org/center/security/ National Governor's Association - "Homeland Security" I haven't looked through this site yet, but here's the first few paragraphs of their frontpage blurb: Governors play a critical role in homeland security. State and local law enforcement and health personnel provide the first line of defense in protecting critical infrastructure and public health and safety. Should an incident occur, state and local personnel are the first to respond to an emergency and the last to leave the scene. Governors, with the support of the federal government, are responsible for coordinating state and local resources to effectively address natural disasters, accidents, and other types of major emergencies, including terrorist incidents. The Center's project examines state and federal efforts to prepare for and deal with the consequences of domestic terrorism. Through regional forums and national policy summits (which are supported by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Centers for Disease Control) the Center brings together federal officials and Governors' policy advisors, state emergency management directors, and lead state law enforcement, fire, and public health officials to examine critical policy issues related to the nation's domestic terrorism preparedness and response activities. Project activities include: * Providing practical information and guidance for governors and their staff to help them plan and respond to emergencies * Hosting workshops and conferences to explore problems, solutions, and improved coordination among federal, state, and local officials to address emergencies and terrorist incidents. * Facilitating information exchange among states on best practices and innovations for identifying threats and improving homeland security. >From all the research above, I would say that some of the hysterical warnings are probably unfounded - at least on the surface. The official CDC plan (which was just updated on 11/26, so it's as current as they can make it at this point) is NOT recommending mass vaccinations. I haven't fully read through all of the documentation on the quarrantine issue yet (or much of the rest, for that matter, just mainly skimmed what I could so I could finish this project this year!), but I suspect that they aren't planning on isolating folks in "concentration camps", at least not for this purpose. From what I've looked at, it appears that a reasonable amount of studying, planning and dissemination of materials on how to respond to the unthinkable has been going on with much care and thought. Should they have done otherwise? Again, like I said, regardless of where we think a threat might originate, one DOES exist, and it's just plain smart to have some kind of plan in hand for how to deal with it, and then hope we never need to implement it. I realize there are many folks who believe that our government is seriously looking to knock out large numbers of us, but that just doesn't seem all that plausible to me, and especially not by utilizing this route. Maybe I'm just still too naive to believe they would go that far, though I won't discount that as a possibility for the future. I don't think a smallpox outbreak would be the means they'd use for that kind of purpose. From a logistical standpoint, there's just too many complications and things that could backfire. They may be evil, but we gotta remember they aren't THAT powerful! No sense scaring the bejesus out of ourselves unnecessarily - there's plenty of valid things going on to scare the daylights out of us as it is. The smart thing is to put together our own "Emergency Response Plan" as well. For myself, I STILL won't take the vaccination if it comes down to that, but then again I won't take ANY vaccines, so it isn't really a stretch for me. As long as I was allowed to stay in my own home, they can go ahead and quarrantine me, no problemo! I'd be a happy hermit (already am, so I'd hardly notice the difference anyway). After I've recovered from this research project, I will next try to compile some information on alternative means for treatment as opposed to vaccination. Sure hope this info is helpful... goldi <A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply. 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