Title: Re: [CTRL] This is disgusting
-Caveat Lector-

The Number Cruncher bites back.

Ending Times?

“A Chalice of Trembling” – Trembling around or in Jerusalem?

As I most definitely do not know when Christ will return but the Bible does say things will get pretty nasty after one generation from the re-establishment of the State of Israel which took place in 1948, so nasty things are thus on the horizon.

So will another attack will made on Jerusalem, with Israel hitting back very hard indeed so causing those around to tremble, to become a first, a special ‘Chalice of Trembling’ around Jerusalem, and not the Great Cup of Trembling at Armageddon? Or will Jerusalem herself become a ‘Chalice of Trembling’?

OK, so we don’t know when such will happen, but we could soon see military happenings that could mean a war, as was the case with Hitler who told the world what he intended to do by his provocative use of the annual Nuremberg Rallies. Hitler was not into Peace but War, and he was very successful as a killing machine, with some 50 million people dead in World War Two.

So now its guesstimation time wise, when something may happen, that is will it happen on February 1st 2003? Will it be a day or a ‘Chalice of Trembling?

Now the Metropolitan Museum has displayed the splendid silver Antioch Chalice, part of the so-called Antioch Treasure, a group of liturgical objects found outside the city of Antioch in 1910.

The interior of the Antioch Chalice was thought to be the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. It was displayed at the Chicago World's Fair in 1933, where it was billed as the Holy Grail.

 Many people have heard of the Holy Grail legend. The story is that anyone who finds the cup that Jesus used during the Last Supper, (24 hours before the Passover meal), and whosoever drinks from that cup, receives eternal life.

Another related heresy is the ‘legend’ that Mary Magdalene was made pregnant by Jesus and fled the Holy Land to live in what is now southern France. And King Merovee claimed descent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene and his descendants are known as Merovingians. The Merovingians were usurped by another line of kings by the murder of King Dagobert. Authors Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln book, ‘Holy Blood, Holy Grail’ and it is an interesting observation about the term Holy Grail, saying that In Latin royal blood is ‘sang real’. This phrase, if slurred, becomes san graal or Holy Grail. They feel that the search for the Holy Grail is an error and that the search should be for the royal bloodline.

So the ‘Holy Grail, the so called ‘Chalice of the Last Supper’ was discovered at the in Antioch, a city so important to the early Christians that it was recognized with Rome and Alexandria, as one of the great cities of the Church.

The Chalice of Antioch, the double cup was, or it is, on display in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City and said to have been made in the first half of the 6th century; and so early Byzantine. It is silver and 7.5 x 5.875 inches in (19 x 15 cm), and the inner cup has a volume of some 5 pints at 173.4 cubic inches.

This rather beautiful silver drinking cup, carved from a single piece of silver and enclosed by a unique outer chalice exquisitely carved with symbolic grape vines, among which are twelve seated figures thought by many to represent Christ and eleven of His apostles. So the inner cup holds five pints of liquid, and is evidently an ancient relic of great sanctity, and although not the Chalice at the Last Supper, it could have the measurements for such a Chalice. In that 10 cups, each about half a pint, so a Chalice that has a volume for 173.4 cubic inches, whereas the standard Jewish Omer was 208.080 cubic inches and contained 12 cups, not 10 cups.

And the mistake was that the plain silver interior bowl was identified as the Holy Grail, the cup used by Christ at the Last Supper. But is the volume of the Chalice ‘making’ a statement? And saying we know there were 13 men gathered at the Last Supper, but a Chalice containing 10 cups was enough. Thus an ‘Omer’ Chalice for 12 persons was seemingly not used if we run with the implications of this would to be ‘Holy Grail’ legend.


So to a most significant year, that is 1441BC when some 2,800,000 Israelites left Egypt, in the Ancient Egyptian year 2,800.

And so using the date of 6pm April 6th 1441BC and 1,470 years before the Last Supper on April 6th AD30, and 21 hours before the death of Christ and 24 hours before the start of the Passover meal, that is the 1,470th Passover meal since the very first Passover meal in 1441BC.

OK, OK, and now to four sets of years.

Counting from 6pm April 6th 1441BC to 5am August 3rd AD70 when the Temple of Yahweh is burning, and by now some 600,000 Jews have died defending their Holy City from the Roman army, is 1,877.7804 years, the death of Jerusalem and Israel. 

Next, counting from 6pm April 6th 1441BC to the midnight hour on May 14th AD1948, when the new State of Israel came into existence is 3,388.104725 years.

And then counting from 6pm April 6th 1441BC until September 11th 2001 is 3,441.4305362 years.

And lastly counting from 6pm April 6th 14421BC until ‘Chalice Day’ February 1st 2003 is 3,442.82272 years.

Now, the four time periods added together is 12,150.13842 years.

And 12,150.13842 years x 365.242198 days is 4,437,743.273 days.

The Chalice of 173.4 cubic inches

And the four periods of time as days at 4,437,743.273 days and cubed, is equivalent to 8 lots of the Chalice at 173.4 cubic inches x the god Set at 6.300100e+16. The god who killed his brother Osiris.

Thus the god Set, the warring god, the uncle of Horus, at 63.001 is himself made of 25.1 x 2.51, and holds the ‘Holy Grail’ of his making, at 173.4 (the Serpent Rouge at17 x 1.7 x 6), forms and fashions the four time periods, three of which are from the Exodus in 1441BC to midnight May 14th 1948 and September 11th 2001 and February 1st 2003.

Thus it seems as if a ‘Warring god’ will be doing his own thing on February 1st 2003 for it to make the arithmetic work.

Thus, I await the Serpent Rouge to strike on February 1st 2003, and show us the Chalice of Antioch so to speak, with a lot of trembling going on.



Trembling around Jerusalem

“The burden of the word of Yaheh for Israel, saith Yahweh, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah [and] against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.” Zechariah 12:1-3

So this ‘Cup of Trembling’ seems to be that of Armageddon, the day that the angelic host will destroy the military forces gathered together in northern Israel, called Armageddon, the place where no battle takes place. For there cannot be a battle of Armageddon, for as hundreds of thousands of soldiers wait to for to destroy all Israel and wipe Jerusalem off the map, they are spiritually burned to death, hence no battle.

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