-Caveat Lector-

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"You should view the world as a conspiracy run by a very closely-knit group
of nearly omnipotent people, and you should think of those people as
yourself and your friends."

        --Robert Anton Wilson

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> http://www.wired.com/news/privacy/0,1848,56185,00.html
> Record the Lens That Records You
> By Patrick Di Justo
> 02:00 AM Nov. 28, 2002 PT
> Ronald Deibert http://www.chass.utoronto.ca/~rdeibert/ , a University of
> Toronto associate professor of political science, wants people to grab their
> cameras and hit the shopping malls Dec. 24 and participate in World
> Sousveillance Day.
> Surveillance means "to view from above." Sousveillance means "to view from
> below."
> On the day before Christmas, at noon, local time, all over the world,
> Deibert wants citizens to "shoot back" at surveillance cameras -- not with
> guns, but with cameras of their own. Participants are to head out, in
> disguise, to their favorite malls and public spaces, and photograph all the
> security cameras they find.
> Deibert warns that photographing security cameras will quickly cause large
> men wearing navy blue blazers and two-way radios to place their hands over
> your camera lens. Photographers may even be escorted off the premises.
> Which is exactly the point. Deibert hopes World Sousveillance Day will
> "raise awareness about the increasing pervasiveness of all forms of
> surveillance in today's hypermedia society."
> "A lot of people probably aren't aware of the extent to which they're being
> monitored," he says.
> Deibert chose Christmas Eve because it's one of the busiest shopping days of
> the year.
> Pointing a camera at a surveillance camera is the brainchild of Steve Mann
> http://www.eyetap.org/mann/ , an MIT Media Lab graduate who pioneered the
> wearable networked computer/camera http://wearcam.org/ . When he was
> netcasting his life from a helmet mounted webcam, he got into a number of
> situations http://www.eyetap.org/wearcam/shootingback/comfort_inn/ in which
> the people who controlled the security cameras didn't like having his camera
> turned on them.
> Mann's suggestion for World Sousveillance Day? Affix a dark acrylic
> rectangle to the front of a sweatshirt, with the following words clearly
> visible: "For your protection, a video record of you and your establishment
> may be transmitted and recorded at remote locations. ALL CRIMINAL ACTS
> PROSECUTED." Mann likens this device, which he calls a MaybeCam
> http://wearcam.org/maybecamera.htm , to Schrodinger's Cat: maybe it is a
> camera, maybe it isn't, but its very existence changes the behavior of the
> people nearby.
> According to Deibert, when security people find themselves on the other side
> of the camera, "they lose their anonymous power of surveillance, and it
> makes them feel vulnerable."
> "Remember when the curtains part and the Wizard of Oz is revealed for what
> he really is? Same deal."
> Chief John Pignataro, head of the Info Tech Division of the Baltimore Police
> Department, isn't perturbed by World Sousveillance Day.
> "Since the cameras are overtly there, who really cares?" he asks. "We put up
> signs saying, 'This Area is Under Video Surveillance.' People know they're
> there."
> Baltimore has more than 60 police department surveillance cameras placed
> throughout the city.
> "I would be upset if they came and started taking picture of surveillance
> cameras around (police) headquarters," Pignataro added. "Everyone's aware of
> the possibility of a terrorist attack."
> Paula Kelliher, marketing director of the upscale Galleria Mall in White
> Plains, New York, warns that photography, especially of surveillance
> cameras, is not permitted on mall property.
> "It's not really in the best interests of our customers," she said.
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> "NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition"
> -Monty Python--

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