-Caveat Lector-

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--- Begin Message --- -Caveat Lector- A rap song and an animation expressing skepticism about 9/11!?

Yup, but first some more biting commentary on the appointment of Henry Kissinger to be Chairman of the National Commission on 9/11:

On November 29th during PBS' Newshour, commentator Mark Shields said that appointing Kissinger as head of the 9/11 "Independent" Commission was like

"Winona Ryder in charge of security at Bloomingdales
Dracula in charge of the blood bank."

And then there was the Hitchens piece included in an earlier email: http://slate.msn.com/?id=2074678
 The Latest Kissinger Outrage
Why is a proven liar and wanted man in charge of the 9/11 investigation?

...and "9/11 skeptics are conspiracists" advocate David Corn who wrote a similar piece online for The Nation

And finally, John Nichols of The Online Beat wrote his own biting editorial on the appointment: http://www.thenation.com/thebeat/index.mhtml?bid=1&pid=178

When I asked Chris Matthews today at a booksigning in Providence what he thought of the appointment, he shook his head and broke into a skeptical grimace...he said he wouldn't touch it on HARDBALL; well, maybe he'll think twice about that when (or if) he finishes reading and viewing the pile of materials I left for him, and his wife and son who were also there. [I gave Chris copies of The War on Freedom, Michel Chossudovsky's War & Globalization: The Truth about September 11th, Issue #1 of 'Global Outlook', and Mike Ruppert's video, The Truth and Lies of 9/11.

So while doubts grow about intentions behind Kissinger's appointment, doubts continue to grow and be expressed about the 'official' version of events and the forces and players involved...

Overseas skepticism of the 'official' narrative for what happened on 9/11 is not just reflected in Nafeez M. Ahmed excellent sales in Italy of his book, The War on Freedom or in Gore Vidal's 7000 treatise recently published in its entirety in the London Observer,but now also in poignent slices of American artistic culture; witness:

1) the underground hit rap artist, Paris' new rap song on 9/11 I've just heard about [anyone have a link to its lyrics?] and,

2) the 'star trek' spoof animation featuring many of the players who certainly should have known (or did know?) what was coming given the detail and scope of the warnings recieved in the months and weeks leading up to September 11th as for example alluded to in the animation, of Ashcroft being told by the FBI not to fly commercially in July.

It features animated versions of Bush, Rice, Powell, Cheney, Ashcroft as officers of the Starship Enron meeting on "the bridge" to discuss imminent terror warnings on "Stardate August 6, 2001" -- the true-to-life date on which the still classifed intelligence briefing was given to the President at his ranch in Crawford, one which warned specifically of hijackings in the US by Al-Qeada and one which should be subpeoned by the National Commission to determine the FULL extent of the details known by US intelligence and the President in the months leading up to 9/11.

So we have revealing rap songs and animation in addition to outspoken statements (mentioned in an earlier email) from Colonel Butler, once 'Dean of Students' with the military's Defense Language Institute of Monterey, California, former Georgia U.S. representative Cynthia McKinney, author Hunter S. Thompson, New Jersey's Poet Laureate, as well as Gore Vidal accusing the government of some level of complicity or foreknowledge.

There is enough material within this community of 9/11 researchers, artists, military , politicians, authors, etc. to produce a feature-length documentary...certainly more than enough for an interesting article, an extended talk show segment, a feature column or just a few questions and lines of inquiry for victims' family members and concerned citizens to pose to the Doctor and his commission to answer and explore!

George Mitchell, vice-chair of the inquiry said today on Fox News Sunday that "the commission would leave no stone unturned;" if that is to happen, each of us, in our own way, and some of us collectively, need to work together, and relentlessly to keep the pressure on the commissioners.  And should they ignore stone after stone and bypass legitimate lines of inquiry then let us hope that more will join us in a truly independent truth commission.   Problem is folks, all of their proceedings are likely to remain secret secure in lockdown and lockout!  The legislation does not require open hearings during the course of the investigation.

Look for more news and developments regarding the ongoing grassroots citizens' investigation or the budding more formal Citizens' Truth Commission on 9/11 at UnansweredQuestions.org.  Better yet, if you can join us, or somehow support the process please do!  It may be our only hope of learning the whole truth regarding 9/11.  Don't forget to sign up for the UQ Wire if you haven't already.

Best regards,

Kyle F. Hence

P.S. My thanks to one and all who have forwarded me useful material via email...please stay in touch.
  <A HREF="">www.ctrl.org</A> DECLARATION & DISCLAIMER ========== CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please! These are sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis- directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector. ======================================================================== Archives Available at: http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html <A HREF="">Archives of [EMAIL PROTECTED]</A>

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