-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Prosecutor: Phoenix bishop advised family not to talk of abuse Ananda Shorey 12/3/02 "Phoenix Bishop Thomas O'Brien once advised the family of a teenage boy who allegedly was sexually abused by a priest in 1979 and 1980 not to contact authorities, a prosecutor said Tuesday." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2002/12/03/national2101EST0780.DTL

Boston church personnel files include allegations priests abused girls, drugs - Ken Maguire, 12/3/02 Boston (AP) "Priests sexually abused teenage girls, used cocaine and other drugs, and one had an affair with a female parishioner, according to allegations contained in personnel files maintained by the Boston Archdiocese. The 3,000 pages of files on eight priests were released Tuesday by lawyers representing people who claim they were sexually abused by clergy. The attorneys are seeking to show that Cardinal Bernard Law routinely transferred priests to other parishes even after accusations of child abuse or other wrongdoing." http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2002/12/03/national1915EST0746.DTL

Boston Documents Show Failure to Oust Accused Priests By Pam Belluck Boston, 12/3/02 "Hundreds of pages of church documents released today show that officials of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston allowed priests accused of abuse to remain in ministry or failed to persuade them to receive residential psychiatric treatment. The documents, 2,200 pages concerning eight priests, were released by lawyers for plaintiffs in a lawsuit involving the Rev. Paul R. Shanley, who is accused of molesting several boys. The lawyers, who got the documents from the archdiocese, are trying to strengthen their case by showing that the Boston church officials engaged in a pattern of mishandling abusive priests. In one case, a priest from Youngstown, Ohio, was placed in a Boston parish just after being treated for pedophilia, despite warnings by the treatment center and the Youngstown bishop that the priest not be allowed to have contact with children. Several young men in Boston parishes later said the priest abused them, and he was convicted of sexual abuse in New Hampshire." http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/04/national/04PRIE.html?ex=1040008427&ei=1&en=648ab5641323a698

Unintended Consequences Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) November 20, 2002
The net result, regardless of the size and duration of the coming war, will be that the people of the United States will be less free and much poorer. The bigger the war, the greater will be the suffering.

Student data passed off to military.wpd from AOL AP-NY-12-02-02
BOSTON - A little-noticed provision in a new federal education law is requiring high schools to hand over to military recruiters some key information about its juniors and seniors: name, address and phone number.

The Pentagon says the information will help it recruit young people to defend their country. But the new law disturbs parents and administrators in some liberal communities that aren't exactly gung-ho about the armed forces.

Some say the law violates students' privacy and creates a moral dilemma over the military's ''don't ask, don't tell'' policy on gays.

''I find it appalling that the school is sending out letters to do the job of the military,'' said Amy Lang, the parent of a student at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, where Coke was once banned in a protest against the soda giant's investments in apartheid South Africa. ''It's clearly an invasion of my daughter's privacy.''

The No Child Left Behind law, signed last January, pumps billions into education but also gives military recruiters access to the names, addresses and phone numbers of students in 22,000 schools. The law also says that schools must give the military the same access to their campuses that businesses and college recruiters enjoy.

Totally Idiotic Americans By Ted Rall, AlterNet November 27, 2002
The official seal of the Pentagon's new Total Information Awareness Office (TIA) bears a spooky eye above a pyramid – you know the one, it's on the back of the one-dollar bill – peering at the globe. The fact that the TIA was quietly funded under the auspices of the bill creating the new Department of Homeland Security suggests that its mission is a vital part of the war on terrorism. But Europe and Asia, the two main continents of the eastern hemisphere, which appear on the TIA logo, are not in fact its principal targets. You are.....
Total Information Awareness will use sophisticated computer-modeling programs to search every database they can get their hands on. They'll scan credit card receipts, bank statements, ATM purchases, Web "cookies," school transcripts, medical files, property deeds, magazine subscriptions, airline manifests, addresses – even veterinary records.....
Like Attorney General John Ashcroft's Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information Prevention System) – the Orwellian Justice Department program that asks cable installers, postal workers and meter readers to turn in their customers if they see any suspicious behavior – the TIA assumes that the next big attack will be committed by members of Arab "sleeper cells" living in the United States

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