-Caveat Lector-

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"Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it"

Elwood P Dowd

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------ Forwarded Message
> From: mj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:24:08 -0500
> Subject: Britain supplied Iraq torture weapons / Sanitizing the news
> "the nyt is a liberal paper,the nyt is a liberal paper",no matter how
> many times you say the LIE it still ain't true.........
>> A wonderful example of the way news is sanitized for the tender eyes
>> of US
>> readers.
>> 2 articles about the SAME press conference where the UK govt. released
>> it's
>> "dossier" of "Iraq's unique horror" in the UK's continuing attempts to
>> rally forces against Iraq. The story in the British newspaper, The
>> Telegraph, talks of the way this press conference turned into a public
>> relations disaster when the star witness, an Iraqi scientist who had
>> been
>> tortured by Saddam Hussein, started talking of Britain having supplied
>> the
>> torture instruments.
>> Next, I have the NYT on the same story. Here, we only find out about
>> Iraq's
>> torture. NOT A WORD about the embarrassing details regarding British
>> complicity. The NYT even manages to quote the same Iraqi scientist
>> without
>> giving a single hint about the British help in the torture.
>> *******************************************************
>> Britain accused of providing Saddam torture instruments
>> By Anton La Guardia, Diplomatic Editor (Filed: 03/12/2002)
>> The Telegraph, UK: Dec 03 / 2002
>> http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/
>> main.jhtml?xml=%2Fnews%2F2002%2F12%2F03%2Fnirq03.xml
>> The Government's attempt to present Iraq as a uniquely evil regime
>> turned
>> into a public relations flop yesterday when the Iraqi dissident chosen
>> to
>> present it denounced the threat of war with Saddam Hussein and said
>> Baghdad
>> officials used British-made equipment as instruments of torture.
>> Amnesty International accused the Government of turning a blind eye to
>> human rights abuses elsewhere in the world and seizing on the horrors
>> in
>> Iraq for political reasons.
>> Hussain al-Shahristani, a former nuclear scientist who was tortured and
>> jailed for 11 years for refusing to work on Saddam's secret nuclear
>> programme, said: "When I was in jail I was held with British-made
>> handcuffs. In the cells next door, I could hear the screams of people
>> who
>> were having holes drilled into their bones. Those drills were made in
>> Britain."
>> The Foreign Office's 23-page report is drawn mainly from open sources,
>> such
>> as reports by Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, with a sprinkling of
>> newer
>> information from the Government.
>> Officials said that, despite the horrors it catalogues, no decision had
>> been taken on whether to create a Yugoslavia-style war crimes tribunal
>> for
>> Iraqi atrocities.
>> "This selective attention to human rights is nothing but a cold and
>> calculated manipulation of the work of human rights activists," said
>> Irene
>> Khan, Amnesty's secretary general.
>> "Let us not forget that these same governments turned a blind eye to
>> Amnesty's reports of widespread human rights violations in Iraq before
>> the
>> Gulf war."
>> At a briefing for journalists, the Foreign Office projected a video
>> montage
>> depicting Iraqi detainees being beaten and executed, and of the
>> aftermath
>> of the Iraqi gas attack on the Kurdish village of Halabja in 1988.
>> Mr al-Shahristani quickly strayed from the script. He nodded
>> approvingly
>> when Foreign Office officials were confronted with a barrage of
>> questions
>> about Britain's silence at the time of the Halabja massacre, its
>> support
>> for Iraq in the 1980s and accusations that the Government was trying to
>> build a case for war.
>> He rejected the idea of another conflict: "I am extremely concerned
>> about
>> the consequences of this intervention on the Iraqi people.
>> "I am particularly concerned that weapons of mass destruction could be
>> used
>> again by the Iraqi regime against the people if there should be any
>> opposition or uprising." He added: "The Iraqi people could pay the
>> price of
>> this war, as they have paid the price of sanctions and all the
>> previous wars."
>> The Government dossier lists several methods of torture, including eye
>> gouging, piercing of hands with electric drills, suspension from the
>> ceiling, electric shock, sexual abuse, beating the soles of the feet,
>> mock
>> executions and acid baths. The report says: "Fear is Saddam's chosen
>> method
>> for staying in power."
>> Some of the cases highlighted include:
>>   A husband and wife were tortured separately about the sale of a car
>> which, investigators claimed, had been seized during a raid on Iraqi
>> opposition activists. The woman was stripped, burnt with a lit
>> cigarette
>> and beaten while her children were forced to watch. Her husband's arms
>> were
>> tied behind his back and he was suspended from a hook. Later, he was
>> shot
>> at with a pistol and his feet and hands were mutilated with gunshots.
>> Eventually the family paid a bribe and the couple was released and
>> managed
>> to flee the country.
>>   Saddam's son, Uday, maintains "a private torture chamber" in
>> Baghdad, and
>> "personally executed dissidents in Basra" during the 1991 uprising. He
>> also
>> "ordered the national football team to be caned on the soles of their
>> feet
>> after losing a World Cup qualifying match".
>>   Women are routinely beheaded on charges of prostitution. The identity
>> card of one Iraqi militiaman, Aziz Salih Ahmed, is reproduced and
>> describes
>> his occupation as "violation of women's honour", that is, a
>> professional
>> rapist.
>>   Horrendous prison conditions, such as the "Casket Prison" in Baghdad,
>> where "prisoners are kept in rows of steel boxes, as found in
>> mortuaries,
>> until they either confess to their crimes or die. There are around
>> 100-150
>> boxes, which are opened for half an hour a day to allow the prisoners
>> some
>> light and air".
>>   A commander's letter chastising a subordinate, saying: "There is no
>> objection to cutting off the heads of traitors. But it would have been
>> preferable had you also sent them to security for the purpose of
>> interrogating them."
>>   A decree passed in 2000 allowing the amputation of the tongue as a
>> penalty for insulting the president or his family.
>> :**********************************************************************
>> **********************
>> Britain Issues File on Iraq's 'Unique Horror'
>> NYT: December 3, 2002
>> http://www.nytimes.com/2002/12/03/international/europe/03BRIT.html
>> LONDON, Dec. 2  Britain released a dossier of evidence today arguing
>> that
>> systematic rape, torture, gassing, public beheadings and mass
>> executions of
>> Iraqis by Saddam Hussein were the deliberate policy of his "regime of
>> unique horror."
>> Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said the document, which the government
>> said
>> was based on intelligence material, victims' first-hand accounts and
>> reports by nongovernmental organizations, set out a powerful human
>> rights
>> case in addition to the international security argument for disarming
>> Mr.
>> Hussein.
>> "We not only help those countries in the region which are subject to
>> Iraqi
>> threats and intimidations," Mr. Straw said. "We also deprive Saddam of
>> his
>> most powerful tools for keeping the Iraqi people living in fear and
>> subjugation."
>> Some rights groups and antiwar politicians expressed fears that the
>> government had other motives than protesting human rights abuses for
>> releasing the file.
>> "I think that this highly unusual, indeed unprecedented, publication is
>> cranking up for war," said Tam Dalyell of Labor, the longest-serving
>> member
>> of Parliament and a persistent critic of current policy toward Iraq.
>> Amnesty International accused Mr. Straw of a "cold and calculated
>> manipulation" of the human rights situation in Iraq to back up the
>> American
>> and British governments' case for military moves against Baghdad.
>> "Let us not forget that these same governments turned a blind eye to
>> Amnesty International's reports of widespread human rights violations
>> in
>> Iraq before the gulf war," said the secretary general of the group,
>> Irene Khan.
>> A senior official, speaking under the Foreign Office practice of
>> anonymity,
>> said the bulk of the report was from reports by academic and human
>> rights
>> groups about incidents in the 1980's and 90's.
>> The release is the third time since the Sept. 11 attacks that Britain
>> has
>> come forth with compilations of published reports and intelligence
>> findings
>> to bolster tough joint American and British positions against terror
>> and Iraq.
>> Mr. Straw made the dossier public at a breakfast meeting of the
>> Atlantic
>> Partnership, a group that aims to improve relations between Europe and
>> North America.
>> Mr. Straw told the breakfast gathering that the aim of the disclosures
>> was
>> "to remind the world that the abuses of the Iraqi regime extend far
>> beyond
>> its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction in violation of its
>> international obligations."
>> The document listed what it said were Mr. Hussein's favored methods of
>> torture. They included eye gouging; piercing hands with an electric
>> drill,
>> stubbing out cigarettes on skin, mock execution, suspension from
>> ceilings,
>> electric shocks to the genitals, rape, finger- and toenail extraction,
>> beating the soles of the feet and acid baths.
>> The report said that since mid-2000 the punishment for slandering or
>> making
>> abusive comments about the president or his family has been amputating
>> the
>> tongue. "Iraqi television has broadcast pictures of these punishments
>> as a
>> warning for others," the file said.
>> A copy of a government personnel card in the report, credited to the
>> Iraq
>> Research and Documentation Project at Harvard, described a state
>> employee,
>> Aziz Salih Ahmed, as a "fighter in the popular army." The report said
>> his
>> assigned "activity" was "violation of women's honor."
>> A graphic video that supplemented the 23-page document was played at a
>> Foreign Office briefing and made available to television stations. It
>> showed government opponents being kicked and beaten after an uprising
>> in
>> 1991 and the bodies of women and children after a chemical weapons
>> attack
>> in 1998 on Halabja, a Kurdish town in northern Iraq.
>> The senior official denied that the purpose of the presentation was to
>> rally support for possible military moves against Iraq.
>> "This dossier itself is not attempting to provide a justification for
>> military action," he said.
>> The former head of the Iraqi nuclear energy agency, Dr. Hussain
>> al-Shahristani was at the briefing to relate his experiences of being
>> imprisoned and tortured in Iraq. Like Amnesty International, Dr.
>> Hussain
>> noted that the British and American governments had not been so
>> concerned
>> about human rights in Iraq in the past. "However," he said, "later is
>> better than never."
>> Dr. Hussain escaped Iraq in 1991 after 12 years in jail, 11 of them in
>> solitary confinement, for his refusal to be involved in the nuclear
>> program
>> after it was diverted in 1979 to weapons development. He said he
>> doubted
>> that the current inspections would succeed in turning up weapons of
>> mass
>> destruction.
>> "Saddam is the master at hiding, concealing and moving around
>> weapons," he
>> said.
>> Dr. H
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> "The ultimate measure of a person is not
> where s/he stands in moments of comfort
> and convenience, but where s/he stands
> at times of challenge and controversy."
>                                   ­ Martin Luther King Jr.

------ End of Forwarded Message

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