-Caveat Lector-


We get lots of strange stories here at Viewzone. Most have to do with
discoveries, of one sort or another, and of what I would call "breakthrough"
theories that hold the promise of stimulating or shaking our view of
traditional reality. After a while, these stories all seem to echo of the
same theme of lost civilizations, encounters with alien space people or
impending doom from some planetary cataclysm. It can get a bit old.

My most popular piece in this magazine is the article on Left Brain - Right
Brain functions, published back in 1999. I still get lots of e-mail and it
continues to prompt people to explore an area that has not been exhausted on
Viewzone: the inner space of the mind. And so I was asked to take up my
keyboard once again when Viewzone began to be flooded with inquiries about a
new, and legal, drug called Salvia Divinorum.

Unless you are familiar with the music of Tool or Mudvayne, you likely have
never heard of Salvia Divinorum, or Sally as it is called by its users. It's
not a recreational drug like marijuana or cocaine. Salvia is a hallucinogenic
drug that is so strong in effect, and so unusual, that it has not been widely
"abused" despite being readily available and cheap for over four years.

Salvia is a plant that grows in the sub-tropical forests of Mexico. It is a
member of the mint family and was almost extinct from the imposing
destruction of tropical forests in that region. Thankfully, now that it has
been recognized for its medicinal properties, it is growing all over the
planet, in easily maintained gardens, indoors and outdoors. Unlike marijuana,
Salvia requires no power hungry halogen lights or fancy hydroponics. It can
be grown by anyone who has kept Mom's African Violets alive on the bookshelf,
and it is easy to cultivate and clone.

In fact, lots of people are growing Salvia these days and the internet is
full of web sites where plants, seed and the dried leaves are sold and
shipped to virtually every country except Australia, which recently banned
the plant. One of the most reliable sources of Salvia is www.salvia-
divinorum.com, who will promptly send your order by UPS shipping. There are a
few rip-off businesses out there but this company seems to be highly
respected and to maintain excellent quality control. This company also has
other botanicals which Viewzone will, hopefully, review and report in the
near future.

What's the interest in this plant?

Back in the 1960's a team of pharmacologists visited the Mazatec Indians, who
live in the mountains of northern Oaxaca, Mexico. For centuries their shamans
have used hallucinogens in religious and healing ceremonies. Many of these
mind-altering substances were unknown, but soon after this expedition such
plants as mescaline and psilocybin mushrooms were being used around the
world. Salvia was in this same family but its recreational use never really
became as popular.

Salvia leaves contain a substance called Salvinorin-A, the most powerful
hallucinogen known to science -- even more potent per weight than LSD. It's
an odd substance since, unlike virtually every other mind altering drug, it
is not an alkaloid. Also, attempts to determine how it functions and which
neurotransmitters it either potentiates or inhibits have alluded researchers.
The leaves are traditionally chewed and absorbed through the mucous membranes
of the mouth, but it is also dried and smokes like marijuana, or is taken
under the tongue in the form of a purified tincture of savinorin-A.

The effects of Salvia are quick and very strong. Even if you have had
experience with LSD or "magic mushrooms," Salvia goes beyond any of these so-
called "trips" -- enough so that many people who experiment with Salvia vow
never to use it again. Not only is Salvia quick acting and powerful but the
effects are of extremely short duration - often only a few minutes. This
short duration has led to the current re-emergence of Salvia as a tool for
meditation and psychic exploration.

Salvia has been called a "wild ride." With only one or two "hits" of a pipe
users are almost instantly immersed in an out of body experience where time
and place seem to be under the control of the drug. Any sensory stimulation
takes the user on a lucid dream like state where anything from cartoons to
spirit guides can appear as real as normal consciousness, with no sense of
being "high" or under the influence of a chemical. In fact, so common is the
sensation of a "guide" or "other presence" that frequent users have given
"her" a name, and often speak of "Sally" or "the Goddess" as a significant
participant in their experience.

Viewzone asked me to write about this drug so, quite naturally, I had to try
it. It had been many years since my psychedelic days, but I have been known
to remind myself of the "good ol' days" now and then. I purchased some
extract on the internet - 2 grams of enhanced ground leaves for about $30
(US), from www.salvia-divinorum.com. I was sure to check the laws and this
was perfectly legal in America. The Salvia arrived in about three days and
was packaged in a small plastic bag. It looked very much like dark, ground
marijuana leaves, had no significant smell, and burned nicely in a small pipe
with no coughing. But that was where any similarity to marijuana ended.

Almost as soon as I had finished the first hit from my pipe I knew something
powerful was happening. The room started spinning and my ears began to focus
on the Led Zeppelin album I had playing in the background. Suddenly I was not
in my office anymore but in a kaleidoscope of colorful intersecting planes
that rotated not only in front of me, but through my body.

With Salvia you lose whatever part of your psyche that keeps you in your
body. You become something else that regards your own flesh and blood the
same way as you normally regard the wall or your desk.

As the planes rotated they dissected my body and I watched, amused, as my
flesh was transformed into the plane, becoming part of it and vanishing in a
vortex. I turned to speak to the woman in the room. I wanted to tell her that
the Salvia was for real and that I was having a very strong reaction but I
could not seem to speak. Somehow I knew that she understood anyway. Then I
was reminded that I was alone -- there was no woman!

Gradually the visions became so strong that they completely took over. I was
helpless. I was not in control of this world but only an observer. A bit of
fear entered my mind. "Would I ever come back to my former life?"

Just as quickly as it started, I found myself sitting in my chair, pipe still
in my hand. I looked at the clock. Only 4 minutes had passed but it had
seemed much longer. For the next hour I sat, trying to put my experience in
words. It was not easy since I had very little experience with anything that
I could compare to the Salvia world.

Since then I have noticed a change. I no longer am sure that this reality is
true. I experienced something that was real, and yet was not of the same
world as my body, or any other material substance. I experienced this just as
any other experience that seemed real and worthy of being valid. Somehow that
changes everything, but I have not yet completely understood how. This is the
magic of Salvia Divinorum.

I was curious about the experiences of other people and so perused the
newsgroups. There is a group called "alt.drugs.salvia" that has many personal
accounts that are similar to mine. There are also many that are more intense.
I have quoted a few below.


Calea Zacatechichi, also known as "Dream Herb"

I asked to try some of the other shamanistic herbs that were sold by the same
company and they generously sent me some additional herbs that they grow and
sell. This herb is supposedly used by the shaman to obtain lucid dreams and
is usually consumed in a strong tea, made by allowing a mixture of water and
dried leaf to brew in the sun. The shaman drinks the tea and then smokes some
of the herb prior to going to sleep.

I made a brew as described by the shaman rituals. It produced a very bitter
drink that required some sugar and lemon to make it palatable. I managed to
drink a full cup of this tea and then, about an hour before I retired, I
smoked a bowl of the herb. It smoked okay and was mild and produced no

In my dream, my father, who had passed away a year ago, was with me in my
room and spoke to me. We had a nice visit until my dog woke me up. I settled
back in my bed and for a moment believed that I had actually visited with my
Dad - so real was the memory of the dream. For a few minutes I was confused,
knowing that he was dead but, at the same time, convinced that the dream was
so real and clear in my mind that it seemed to have actually happened. It was
not until I remembered taking the herb, and its reputation, that I was able
to dismiss the dream as just that.

The effect was pretty amazing. I was surprised that any herb or drug could do
this type of thing. It's worth the experience and I will experiment more in a
few days.

Sinicuichi, also known as the "Maya Sun Opener"

This is a herb that I have only just started to experience. I made a tea with
the herb and also smoked some. The effects, at first, did not seem
significant. I felt nothing of the heady experience of the salvia, or even
the relaxing sensation of the zacatechichi, but when I was outside on my
porch I noticed that my vision was different. It has been stated that artists
like Van Gough had "yellow vision" and suffered from an experience similar to
having a yellow filter over their eyes. While the yellow tint was not
effecting every color in my visual spectrum, it did make the yellows more
intense. My dog appeared to have an aura, a glow, around him and I noticed
the same phenomenon around plants and trees. It was pretty amazing actually,
and amusing.

When I viewed my computer screen I noticed that the flicker, usually absent,
was present and quite distracting. The screen saver also looked different. I
viewed some images in Photoshop and used the hue control to bring them back
to normal. On the scale of blue to yellow, I had to add more blue to make
them appear normal to me. Later, these same images looked much too blue when
the herb wore off.

I think all of the herbs are strong and "for real" and I will experiment with
combining them in a smoke or brew to see if I can arrive at a customized

In general, I still would prefer a good bowl of California Kush... but that's
another story for another time.

Now where did I put that pipe?


I just took a huge hit and am just coming down. WOW!!! I cannot believe this
stuff. I was completely removed from reality. It took all my nerves to put me
back to where I am. I never thought this stuff would do this much. In other
words, I am wasted. I had this feeling that I'm in another world where the TV
wouldn't come on. I finally got it on when I figured out how to do it. I
finally figured out that I was in my family room. There was no way it was
easy to figure out. I got to the point where I could smoke a cig but it took
a while. All I have to say is WOW. This is incredible!!!!

Been smoking my lady for a few months now, and it seems lately that I'm more
sensitive to her influence than I was when I started. In fact, I seem to get
more sensitive all the time. After the initial breakthrough and settling-in,
3 hits of 5x got me level 5 pretty much every time. But the last 3 times I've
not been able to get the 3rd hit lit... I can get it loaded, but by the time
I exhale the 2nd hit I'm Standing Outside already. I've been using the same
batch of 5x for several months, so I know the dosage is equivalent.

I've also noticed in the last month or so that I can very tangibly feel the
effects of 1 hit of straight leaf, when before I needed 3 or 4 to feel

Not that I'm complaining! I don't mind being a cheap date at all. I was just
wondering if any of the other smokers out there had experiences similar.

Just had my first couple of salvia trips and it was amazing. Loaded up a
water pipe with a little bit and used a normal lighter. First go a little, so
I loaded up another and I was off. This was off just basic leaf as well. I
felt like I didn't exist anymore and the music I had on, had substance to it
and pulsed through my body. How anyone can say they don't get any effect from
sally is beyond me.

I have had quite alot of experience, probably 20 or so trips, and there is an
overwhelming sense of progression with each one, you become more adept at
communicating within HER space. The presence of a presence [sic] is
undeniable. The gender sense is usually female, but I find I can relate more
closely to females than most males anyway. The connection is immediate
intimate and warm. communication is telepathic, effortless and incredible
(who can relate to the answers-within-the-questions-being-asked type
immediate response, each one accompanied by an obviousness and truth that
makes you feel that the answers were and are always available???).

The presence of a number, a chorus or conchordia of beings, is sometimes
present as I am taking my hits ( I use a water pipe which and alternate
between extract and unenhanced...more on that later). They offer
encouragement and spike my anticipation; I become excited and want to reach
that level.

The transition from normality to weird salvia space is as effortless and
transparent as good editing in films... it is like I am totally comfortable
with the idea of there being entities suddenly all around. I do not see them.
In fact I never ever have visual distortion effects, apart from very mild
superficial ones. At first I dispaired [sic] at this, thinking, "damn I
really wanted something like a legal-acid, what a suck substances..." etc.
...but I came to realize how crude visual cues would've been at conveying
that kind of information. Everything would've had to have been translated
into familiar shapes and forms with lines, and depth, perception,
perspective, etc. ...I thought, "why the hell would you want to focus the
whole huge expanse of the saliva experience through the narrow lens of

I realized that the tactile inner mind's-skin type sensations are much much
much richer. They do however take a fair amount of getting mentally
associated with, as at first it was like learning a new language. I found it
really hard to translate what I had experienced in the trip into familiar
terms when I 'awoke', but now, after much experience, my scope of familiar
[sic] has greatly expanded and I can effortlessly recall the trips.
Specifically the trips seem to have an element of repetition, like the
starting sequence is almost always the same. I am smoking, being encouraged,
then I find myself on the *inside*... I feel like I have stepped backstage
and we are watching the guys who pull the strings. I have experienced being
in someone else's body, and being in this background spirit space where there
are just numerous personalities, all in on 'it'. The world seems a joke.

At this time, I may start laughing. If I start laughing, I find it very hard
to stop. My body is made hypersensitive tactile-wise by this drug and the
sheer novelty of feeling the breath burst up your through lungs and larynx
and flap over your lips and the laughter in your throat, itself
perpetuates... sometimes it is funny, sometimes it just feels so good.

If I don't laugh, I go elsewhere. This is where the trips become individual.
I guess it's the point where I begin to take conscious control, like I've
checked into the hotel -- now I'm just looking for a nice place to have some

The trips always end with a variable length conversation with our favorite
green maiden ( I can feel her presence now, even though I haven't smoked for
5 days ). It is usually here that I can collect and assess all the things I'm
feeling. The simultaneous knowledge that I am lying on my bed, with the
lights off, and yet in the same instant I am not there at all -- I am

It is perhaps time to list some of the bizarre sensations I become aware of
at this point, then I will tell you of some of the places I have gone from
this initial intratrip 'awakening.'

If you take a heavy enough does, you kind of blank... I suspect things become
too hard for your mind to make sense of, or the cosmic aperture is opened so
wide, it's like looking at the sun with dilated pupils. You get a kind of
cognitive flash burn.

I become aware sometimes of an expansion spatial [sic]. I seem to occupy all
the space my mind can imagine. As I imagine more of it ,my physical tactile
sense spreads to fill it. Either/or, I feel an great movement thrust and
acceleration which I begin to direct because it is so much fun. You have to
adapt to the particular mechanisms of control in this weird salvia dimension.
You can't control the movement by thinking, "okay I'll visualize myself
flying..." because you're not 'flying' it seems, and flying is a poor and
crude analogy which can constrict the experience. I am learning but at the
moment it seems like you allow the energy to flow in a particular direction
and you travel there, (whether energy moves through you, or you move through
it I am unsure). I have felt like I am pushing through a membrane, and you
feel this lovely sensation with your whole 'body' this heady visceral thrust
through thick energy.

I have felt bodiless, or bizarrley [sic] part of something else. and many
other things, which I hat not yet the tools to distinguish and express.

As to where I variously end up on my breakthrough trip... we were traveling
to this great giant secret where all these spirit kids go for fun. All I
remember is a giant rotating multicolored torii ( donuts but torii sounds
cosmic ;) and huge expansive space. At this point however I was tested and
failed. They told me I wouldn't be able to follow any further (due to the
attention resources required) unless I learnt to direct my concentration and
control my 'urges' better. At this point I felt an abrupt stop, a sudden
deceleration. I was back on my bed with the feeling of a long journey
traveled. I sat up and realized I had an very hard erection. So the entities
were right. I felt quite shamed that I had been kept form this cosmic place
because of my gutter basic instincts (at later various trips though I
accepted I wasn't ready to do that just yet, so once I had got over the guilt
feeling these beings would happily engage whatever dirty things I had in
mind, it felt perfectly natural and good, mindsex with spirit beings!).

At other times, I have had little of this intermediate journeying and just
gone straight into a long chat with my friend salvia. Other times I have felt
like the inside was my mind, expanded to meet other minds amongst the
universe, and the entities were actually the thoughts -- I just perceived
them in familiar embodied terms. Okay, this is a long rant, so I'll finish up
with some tips and a few testimonials - talk show style.


let yourself go. there comes a point at the start of the trip where you aware
you have a choice - while your brain/mind has been freed by the chemicals in
the plant you can chose either to tune into the things wanting to commune
with you, and hence trip and b merry, or you can shut it all out, not go with
it, and try and stop the movement sensations etc....the second choice is
uncomfortable, although my first time I chose it reflex style as it was just
too new and different, your mind is still open in that state but your not
letting anyone in, you feel pretty scattered if you try take this option. so
advice is let yourself go and do so completely, and have faith in your guides
and the messages they send you.

ask questions and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. when you
think of this experience and feel its truth within the current context of
western society thought you will feel how incredible this really is, how
different and special and totally unrecognized, by the big, important,
powerful doctrines that dominate western thought, such an experience is: once
you breakthrough I don't believe you can deny the reality that awaits you.

be prepared to learn things, and be prepared to have FUN. if you focus on the
fun aspect, trust me, salvia, will know what to do. if you let her, she will
set you laughing for half an hour, make you feel on top of the world if
that's what you need. I have needed this and received such a simple but
priceless gift.

as you gain experience, you realize you don't need as much drug to get you to
that level. you have trained hard and well and now you can more easily slip
into this alternate outlook, your consciousness is officially, permanently,
expanded. well done psychonaut!!!

my final tip (with extra cheese) is that believe anything is possible. I
awoke the morning after my first trip to see my eyes were clear opal blue.
this was no hallucination as verified by my house mates. they were like shit
are they contacts??? the effect reversed and they became their normal dark
grayblue in another day, but now I am acutely aware of how they change with
my mood, and how they are an strange measure of internal feelings. prior to
my last trip I had been getting this twitch in my biceps for about two weeks,
it was really pissing me off, I thought my body was trying to tell me
something but I couldn't connect. I asked salvia and I realized the power was
with me all along to stop it myself. it has since not returned. more miracle
testimonials courtesy of our fair green maiden??? she can set you on the path
to knowledge that allows you to source and tap into energy all around you,
not feeling hungry or particularly tired for days, you feel you should eat,
because everyone around you does, but you do not have the physiological need.
also, for me anyway, all these things carry a great uplifting optimism that
you can make what you want of your life, and you can perceive things and
alter things that common sense would have you not able to. this is my
testimonial...but, by all means, light your own lamp. out!

So that's the "dope" on Salvia Divinorum. If you are curious about this plant
then you can find lots of information on the internet. For me, one experience
was more than enough for now. I will not be visiting "Sally" for a while. But
I am very glad I did and, hey, "I'll be back!"

If you are thinking of paying Sally a visit you had better do it quickly. The
U.S. Congress is already planning to outlaw it in America, placing it on the
Schedule-1 list of illegal substances.

107th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5607

To amend the Controlled Substances Act to place Salvinorin A in Schedule I.


October 10, 2002

Mr. Baca (for himself and Mrs. Napolitano) introduced the following bill;
which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition
to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined
by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall
within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned:

A BILL To amend the Controlled Substances Act to place Salvinorin A in
Schedule I.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the "Hallucinogen Control Act of 2002''.


Schedule I, as set forth in section 202(c) of the Controlled Substances Act
(21 U.S.C. 812(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following:

(d) Unless specifically exempted or unless listed in another schedule, any
material, compound, mixture, or preparation which contains any quantity of
the following:

(1) salvinorin A. (2) salvia divinorum.

A personal note: There's a lots of people who experiment with realities
outside the norm. I'm obviously one of them. It's not something I suggest for
everyone and certainly not for anyone who is young and has yet to experience
life. Be responsible in that you do, respect your own mind and that of your

Steve Wingate, Webmaster
Latest Update: Cydonia in 3-D

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