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{PRIVATE}{PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=The New York Times"}graphic{PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=Sponsored by Starbucks"}graphic

December 12, 2002
Warnings From Al Qaeda Stir Fear That Terrorists May Attack Oil Tankers
{PRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=A"}graphicBOARD PETRO RANGER, in the Strait of Malacca, Dec. 6 — As the distant jungle shore of Malaysia faded from green to gray to black at sunset, Noer Rahman put a bright red fire ax on the back deck of this aging tanker, then tied two high-pressure fire hoses to the stern handrail and turned them on.
Mr. Rahman, an experienced Indonesian sailor, was getting ready to fight pirates and terrorists, dangers especially great in this important waterway, the fastest route around the southernmost tip of continental Asia.
A recent audiotape believed to have been made by Osama bin Laden praised and seemed to take responsibility for a suicide attack two months ago in which a speedboat packed with explosives rammed and crippled a French tanker, the Limburg, off Yemen. Other leaders of Al Qaeda have vowed to cut the "economic lifelines" of the world's industrialized societies.
The threats have focused the attention of intelligence agencies and marine police worldwide on the vulnerability of tankers. Representatives of most of the world's seagoing nations are meeting in London to discuss how to keep ships safe from the long-term problem of piracy and the new risks of terrorism.
"With the attack on the Limburg, commercial vessels, especially vulnerable vessels like tankers, are terrorist targets," said Pootengal Mukundan, the director of the International Maritime Bureau, a United Nations affiliate that works with Interpol to combat seaborne crime.
Nowhere has the concern been more acute than here in the Strait of Malacca, between Malaysia and Indonesia. A quarter of the world's trade passes through the strait. That includes half of all sea shipments of oil, bound for East Asia or sometimes the United States, and two-thirds of the world's shipments of liquefied natural gas.
More pirate attacks occur in Indonesian waters than anywhere else in the world. The pirates have spies in ports to identify valuable targets, and sometimes confederates aboard as well.
Since Indonesia has many radical Muslim groups with a history of violence, which have been linked to the bombing in Bali in October, law enforcement and intelligence officials worry that terrorists may tap the pirates' expertise to mount attacks on ships in the region.
Smaller tankers like this 420-foot-long vessel, making slow trips through the strait while fully laden with valuable cargos, run the greatest danger, Mr. Mukundan said.
The big fear is that Al Qaeda might seize a ship and crash it into another vessel or into a refinery or port.
Singapore, where the Petro Ranger started its current journey, has the world's second-busiest port, after Hong Kong's, so its government has taken the threat of terrorism very seriously.
As the ship began inching away from the jetties of Singapore's immense refinery, where it took on three million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel, a brown Singaporean F-4 Skyhawk fighter flew overhead on combat air patrol, a precaution started after the attacks on Sept. 11 of last year.
A Singaporean Hawkeye airborne surveillance plane circled twice over the refinery in the next hour, while a half-dozen fast patrol boats with deck guns and a small gray warship cruised the anchorage. One of the patrol boats escorted the Petro Ranger.
But once vessels enter the Strait of Malacca they are essentially on their own. An hour from Singapore, the Petro Ranger peacefully steamed past Iyu Kecil, a jungle-covered Indonesian island that Mr. Mukundan described as a base for an organized crime gang that has been hijacking small tankers to sell the cargos.
Three hours later, the Petro Ranger sailed past Laboh Point, Malaysia, where the tanker's crew had a close call just two months ago. A watchman on the deck of the Petro Ranger spotted a fast, low boat with no lights within 100 yards of the stern.
The tanker's bells sounded to wake the unarmed crew, a radio call went out to the Malaysian coast guard and Istaque Hossain, the second officer, aimed a spotlight at the craft to signal to the occupants that they would not take the Petro Ranger unawares.
The spotlight revealed the boat to be packed with crouching men. "All of them were squatting, coming very close in masks and full black body suits," recalled Fong Chung-chen, the Petro Ranger's Malaysian chief officer. After it was caught in the light, the boat sheered off and vanished.
Armed with machetes, swords, even assault rifles and hand grenades, pirates often climb up the stern of a vessel, using grappling hooks and rope or sometimes shinnying up thick bamboo poles with hooks at the top. Pirates frequently choose the stern because it is low and because they are unlikely to be seen by officers on the bridge watching the sea ahead.
Once aboard they try to disable a ship's radio systems before the crew can send a distress signal to local coast guard units.
Experienced sailors say pirates consider fire axes and hoses to be fair defensive weapons, unlike guns, for which they often punish ship crews. The axes are used to sever the pirates' grappling hooks, and the hoses spraying water off the stern are supposed to make the pirate boats wet and slippery platforms from which to mount an attack.
The pirate boats are typically equipped with several outboard motors on the back, allowing them to go up to three times as fast as the tankers, which lumber along at 11 knots, the equivalent of 13 land miles an hour. The pirates also use a low-tech version of stealth technology: they choose boats made of wood, which are hard to spot on radar.
Laws in many ports bar the equipping of tankers with deck guns. Many companies, including Petroships Pte. Ltd., which operates the single-hull Petro Ranger and seven newer tankers, also ban the crews from carrying guns.
"Let's say we shoot at them," Mr. Fong said. "When they board they would kill us all. Once they board we are finished — if we lock the doors, they break the glass" of the windows.
Four and a half years ago, a dozen pirates swarmed aboard this tanker off the eastern coast of Malaysia and took the crew prisoner. The pirates sailed to China to try to sell the gasoline and diesel fuel, then worth about $2 million at wholesale prices. But a Chinese marine police vessel discovered the tanker and freed the crew.
The International Maritime Bureau's records show a decline in reported attacks against vessels in the Strait of Malacca in the last two years.
Bureau officials say that partly reflects the fact that fewer captains are reporting incidents, but also some progress in combating piracy.
China has begun keeping pirates out of its waters, notably by executing members of one gang that murdered the entire crew of a vessel. Malaysia has purchased more fast patrol boats and has identified some of the ringleaders of pirate gangs based in nearby countries, said Muhamad Muda, the commander of Malaysia's marine police.
"We gave them the warning that if they ever came into Malaysian waters we will apprehend them and eliminate them," he said.
Indonesia, struggling with a crippled economy, has proven unable to mount such an ambitious effort. Intelligence officials say most pirates are based on the Indonesian side of the strait and buy the collusion of villagers by sharing their loot.
A few shipowners, notably Petroships' chairman, Alan H. J. Chan, say efforts to date have been completely inadequate, and have begun calling for the formation of a small military force, operating under a license from the United Nations, to patrol the strait.
"A big project may cost millions but save billions, and save lives, too," Mr. Chan said.
But Malaysia and Indonesia oppose the idea, arguing that intelligence gathering and law enforcement ashore are just as important.
Additional patrols might discourage pirates but will not stop terrorists willing to die for their cause, Mr. Mukundan said. The International Maritime Bureau has begun calling for the creation of special shipping lanes reserved for commercial vessels in waterways like this one, with military force used to exclude fishing boats and pleasure craft.
"The only way to stop it is to blow it out of the water before it hits the tanker," Mr. Mukundan said. The United States and other countries have been leery of such a drastic response.
By 9 p.m. on the second day of its voyage, the Petro Ranger was chugging across calm seas in moonless, utter darkness. The nearest land was Tuan Point, Malaysia, where the captain of a fishing trawler was kidnapped by pirates in broad daylight. He was later released unhurt.
Aboard the Petro Ranger, Mr. Fong fretted over the radar. A long, thin fishing boat was barely visible by its navigation lights, yet the radar showed no trace of it.
When Mr. Fong turned up the radar, it showed a mass of reflections from every ripple on the sea, and still no boat was discernible. The boat quietly passed around the stern of the Petro Ranger, where it unexpectedly turned up on the radar, and then sailed off into the distance.
Two hours later the Petro Ranger's 31-year-old engines began spewing clouds of sparks because of a fuel mixture problem. The bridge officers were alarmed that sparks might blow onto the cargo tanks, or that pirates might see the sparks as a sign of engine distress and pounce. It took an hour for the ship's engineers to fix the problem.
After traversing the narrowest and most dangerous 130 miles of the strait, the Petro Ranger safely sailed up an estuary and docked at 6 a.m. at Port Klang, the main port for the Malaysian capital of Kuala Lumpur. Mohda Hadapi, the Malaysian helmsman, was relieved after a nerve-racking night of scanning a pitch-black sea.
His wife cries each time he leaves, he said. "Pirates and now terrorists — after January, I'm going to sign off, maybe find a job ashore," he added.

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