On Sun 29 May 2022 at 11:54:46 +0200, Carl Svensson wrote:
> Try adding the following to your .ctwmrc and see if it helps (Num Lock
> may be a different modifier on your system):
> # Ignore Num Lock and Caps Lock
> IgnoreModifier {
>   lock
>   m2
> }

The problem is probably that, in practice, you can ignore only one
modifier. "Ignoring" a modifier is done by adding an extra GrabKeyboard
or GrabPointer for every key or button you specify. When 2 (or more)
modifiers are to be ignored, ctwm would need to make 2 Grabs. There is
no code to do that, since this gets out of hand literally exponentially.

This also holds for RaiseOnClick and ClickToFocus.

See code at

___ "Buying carbon credits is a bit like a serial killer paying someone else to
\X/  have kids to make his activity cost neutral." -The BOFH    falu.nl@rhialto

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