Posting to copied blind to two colleagues.

I am still struggling to replace a non-functional fedora using CTWM on my PC.

My impression now (after failing to get fedora 37 to do what I want,including
running ctwm), is to use Ubuntu. At first I could not get Ubuntu to launch ctwm,
but a colleague, Mark Ryan, gave me this information that I did not find during
several hours of searching online trying to find out how to switch from Ubuntu's
default user interface to ctwm:

  First log out!

  At the login screen,  press   Ctrl + Alt + F3
  and then login

  Then enter:

     startx /usr/bin/ctwm

That worked: it brought up what appeared to be a default ctwm configuration:

So I now have Ubuntu running ctwm with a menu (in the form of a 2D map)
originally at bottom left of screen (which I moved to bottom right, my preferred

I can now click on that ctwm menu to change between different virtual screens
(all without the horrible  background junk added by default in Fedora and Ubuntu
- just a blank uniformly pale-coloured background - with colour changing from
screen to screen).

But I have not yet found how to open an xterm window -- the most basic
functionality I need.

I guess I have to find the location of the ctwm specification and start editing
it to include the actions I need. It's not located at ~/.ctwmrc where I expected
to find it. The startup ~/.ctwmrc file from my previous use of ctwm on Fedora
was ignored.

I have not been able to find where a user file needs to be to override the
default, given that ~/.ctwmrc is ignored.

Does anyone on this list know where to look for the ctwm configuration
specificion? I suspect that what mark has given me is not the only mechanism for
starting ctwm on Ubuntu (it's that kind of highly tailorable package).

I presume this ctwm configuration is unique to Ubuntu, and I need to relocate my
Fedora specification of .ctwmrc so that it overrides this default by adding
additional menu and function key actions. (I'll have to add things slowly to
findout what does and does not work in this ubuntu configuration).

In case this provides a clue:

So far I can bring up two menus, one using mouse button 1 the other using mouse
button 2.

Button 1 merely provides options to show or hide iconmanager or workspacemanager
refresh screen, or exit ctwm.

Button 2 (middle button) has label Window Ops. It brings up a menu that starts

    occupy all

and several more, but nothing remotely like open xterm or terminal window, my
most basic need!

Any ideas about what I've missed, or where I should locate my own .xinitrc,
perhaps initially one created by copying and editing the default version since
many of my previous menu items may require more installed code?

It all feels very close to what I need.

I apologise if I'm missing something obvious.



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