>> For me it prints:
>>     Layout: [monitors=[len=2 cap=2 [x=0 y=335 w=1600 h=1200] [x=1600 y=0 
>> w=1200 h=1920]]
>>      horiz=[len=3 cap=3 [x=0 y=335 w=2800 h=1200] [x=1600 y=0 w=1200 h=335] 
>> [x=1600 y=1535 w=1200 h=385]]
>>      vert=[len=2 cap=2 [x=1600 y=0 w=1200 h=1920] [x=0 y=335 w=1600 h=1200]]]
>> That looks very much like yours :-(
> I looked over this quickly last year, but didn't see anything much.  I
> spent some more time poking at it today, but still couldn't reproduce
> anything surprising.

FWIW, one of those two monitors died in the mean time (the 4:3 one) and
since it's virtually impossible to find screen tall enough that is not
insanely wider to replace it, I ended up replacing both screens with
a single larger one, so I don't face this problem any more.

> The universe obviously needs to just give us more square monitors so
> we can ignore this sorta thing.

The universe did end up giving (kind a) that.


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