In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wed, 7 Jun 2006 16:05:38 -0700, Gary Kline 

kline>  This is not intended as a criticism of CTWM--and I should be 
kline>  hacking rather than asking.  Still, any hopes of letting me use 
kline>  the myriad goodies of CTWM _plus_ Gnome- and KDE-ware?  

What is the problem, exactly?  Not meant as a retort, I do want to
know.  I'm not a Gnome or KDE user myself (I'm too much of a CTWM
purist :)), so I can't really comment, but I'm getting conflicting
reports on how it works with those desktop systems.

CTWM would really need someone with good knowledge of each of them to
take a good look and tell us what he finds.

kline>  Is there any window-manager group who mmight asssist in making
kline>  things  more complient?  On another line, any movement toward
kline>  3.8 or 4.0??

No real plans right now, and there are some issues to work out, like
finally working out the proper sequence of initializing windows and
reading the configuration file, where we currently have different
conflicts depending on the available screens and such.

Of course, I could easily start with a "release often" scheme to get
things going.  The trouble I have with that scheme is that I often get
a sense of "let's just push out the software and not care about some
level of quality", and that's not really my thing.

I'd like to hear more opinions, and have more people actively work.
Would you be one of those?

kline>  thanks up front,

Thanks for speaking your mind!


Richard Levitte                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
 the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."
                                                -- C.S. Lewis

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