Johan Vromans on  wrote...
| Rhialto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > But can it do squeezed window titles (or "tabbed", the t of twm)?
| Not that I know. I've been using the tabs for a long time but somehow
| switched them off once (and never on again). So I don't miss it.
| Please keep in mind that I'm not stating that OpenBox is the ultimate
| solution for everything. I've mainly decided based on my requirements
| (which most likely will be different from yours).
| BTW, AFAIK, the t of twm stands for Tom, from its author, Tom Lastrange.
| Particulary interesting since someone created a virtual root version
| of twm, vtwm, and Tom then created his version of it: tvtwm -- Tom's
| Virtual Tom's Window Manager.
I know what you mean.

It was useful when I had a lab of machines and wanted a login window for
each work station all stacked on top of each other, so I could copy and
paste commands into the 'rolling' stack (keyboard function to paste,
then roll top window to the bottom, so I can paste the next window)

But this is a special case, and the tabs were never that useful neven
then, except as a means to check which window in the sequence you have
pasted into, AND that you have a window to each machine (no tab was
missing).  It was also a bitch to get the window stack sorted so the
tabs were in order!  Almost looked a a problem to re-stack those windows
into the correct order so the tabs were in sequence.

I can live without the tabs.  But I could not live without the ctwm
ability to handle keyboard mapping.  GNOME sucked with its lack of
bindable and 'contextual' event handling, which is why I endevored to
create a gnome-ctwm methodology that worked reasonable well.  Fairly
successfully too.

I'll Take a look at OpenBox, on my next machine upgrade (very soon)
and try to get the desired functions I want available.

PS: My biggest headache at this time is GNOME completely destroying the
X window resources use for XTERM handling.

  Anthony Thyssen ( System Programmer )    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     "Good programmers write readable code."
     "Yeah, but REALLY good programmers can read MY code."
     Anthony's Home is his Castle

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