Thanks for info.
I am not expert user of these and novice to begin with.
We don't use xorg, however I found these ..

bash-3.00$ cat ~/.ctwm-conf/Xresources
/* xterm */
xterm*multiScroll:              on
xterm*jumpScroll:               on
xterm*reverseWrap:              off
xterm*curses:                   on
xterm*Font:                     8x13bold
xterm*scrollBar:                off
xterm*scrollbar*thickness:      5
xterm*multiClickTime:           500
xterm*charClass:                33:48,37:48,45-47:48,64:48
xterm*cutNewline:               off
xterm*Border:                   gray
xterm*ReverseVideo:             true
xterm*BodyFont:                 8x15
xterm*DeiconifyWarp:            off
xterm*MarginBell:               on
xterm*MenuFont:                 timrom12
xterm*Mouse:                    yellow
xterm*TitleFont:                vtbold
xterm*AllowIconInput:           on
xterm*InternalBorder:           1
xterm*foreground:               gray
rxvt*multiScroll:              on
rxvt*jumpScroll:               on
rxvt*reverseWrap:              off
rxvt*curses:                   on
rxvt*Font:                     8x15bold
rxvt*scrollBar:                off
rxvt*scrollbar*thickness:      5
rxvt*multiClickTime:           500
rxvt*charClass:                33:48,37:48,45-47:48,64:48
rxvt*cutNewline:               off
rxvt*Border:                   gray
rxvt*ReverseVideo:             true
rxvt*BodyFont:                 8x15
rxvt*DeiconifyWarp:            off
rxvt*MarginBell:               on
rxvt*MenuFont:                 timrom12
rxvt*Mouse:                    yellow
rxvt*TitleFont:                vtbold
rxvt*AllowIconInput:           on
rxvt*InternalBorder:           1
rxvt*foreground:               gray

bash-3.00$ cat .ctwm-conf/xsession

set XTERM="xterm -ls -T $USER@$HOST -n $USER@$HOST -e bash"
xrdb -merge ~/.ctwm-conf/Xresources
xsetroot -solid DodgerBlue4

Can I do something here to add DISPLAY ?

Pls let me know

- Ravi

On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 4:53 PM, Richard Levitte <> wrote:
> Aha!
> From the look of it, your X server isn't properly configured, it's
> thinking the display has a different dimension.  The fact that some
> lines of text have a grey edge and others don't is a dead giveaway.
> I dunno how you configure things, there are a number of GUI tools
> around these days, and I'm still at editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf...
> Now, I don't know which X11 incantation you use.  As you might guess,
> I use Xorg, so I'll take it from that one, please translate to yoru
> configuration file (which looks the same, it's just likely to have a
> somewhat different name if you don't run Xorg).  If you hack that
> file, look for the Screen section, add a Subsection "Display" with the
> dimensions of your display (you should have a man page xorg.conf(5) or
> similar).
> If you run Xorg, you can remove the Screen section, unless you have a
> complex multi-display/multi-graphcard setup.  Xorg is pretty smart in
> figuring out the hardware.
> Cheers,
> Richard
> In message 
> <> on Mon, 
> 2 Jul 2012 15:58:56 +0530, Ravi Uday <> said:
> raviuday> Thanks for the reply.
> raviuday>
> raviuday> I have attached a png shot with 1680x1050 display.
> raviuday> I am not sure how to find what fonts I am using.. Pls let me know 
> any
> raviuday> commands i could use on my lds server.
> raviuday>
> raviuday> - Ravi
> raviuday>
> raviuday> On Mon, Jul 2, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Richard Levitte 
> <> wrote:
> raviuday> > In message 
> <> on Mon, 
> 2 Jul 2012 14:45:30 +0530, Ravi Uday <> said:
> raviuday> >
> raviuday> > raviuday> Does anyone have a sample of .ctwmrc which works for 
> display of
> raviuday> > raviuday> 1680x1050
> raviuday> > raviuday> Suddenly my fonts and code looks horrible :(
> raviuday> >
> raviuday> > How does the titles, ctwm menus, workspace manager, icon manager, 
> that
> raviuday> > sort of thing look?  Outside of that, it's in the application and 
> in
> raviuday> > the fonts available with your X server.  How are fonts served, 
> are you
> raviuday> > using xft or something like that?  Do you use ttf fonts?
> raviuday> >
> raviuday> > Cheers,
> raviuday> > Richard
> raviuday> >
> raviuday> > --
> raviuday> > Richard Levitte               
> raviuday> >                                         
> raviuday> >
> raviuday> > "Life is a tremendous celebration - and I'm invited!"
> raviuday> > -- from a friend's blog, translated from Swedish
> raviuday> >

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