Hey all,

We've gotten the first part of the transition done; the offical CTWM
website is now http://www.ctwm.org/.  The old http://ctwm.free.lp.se/
URL now redirects to it.  It's pretty much the same, modulo some minor
cleanup.  Part 1: done.

Next on the list will be the mailing list.  I've gotten the current
config and members list from Richard, and expect to have some in the
next few days to get it setup.  You'll probably have to make minor
tweaks to your mail filtering rules, but aside from that it should be
pretty seamless.

After that's done, the last remaining piece will be the VCS move.  At
the least, that won't happen until I've gotten a good
crash-course-alike doc for it, so that may remain at its current
location for another week or two.  I'm still on the plan "bzr on LP,
with officialish git mirror on github", but remain open to objections
or other suggestions until yanking the switch.

Matthew Fuller     (MF4839)   |  fulle...@over-yonder.net
Systems/Network Administrator |  http://www.over-yonder.net/~fullermd/
           On the Internet, nobody can hear you scream.

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