I am just about finished reading a book on "The Healing Power of
Humor" written by Allen Klein.  This is a fantastic book.  Read it if
you get the chance.  He talks about his wife, and how he learned to
laugh from her, through her illness and death.  He goes on to learn
and work with terminally ill patients.  He sees how humor plays a big
part in helping to ease their pain and suffering.  He says that we all
face losses daily, whether big or small losses,  and each of these
losses put us through" the same stages - anger, denial, depression,
bargaining, and acceptance -that we encounter in the dying process."
He goes on throughout the book to show how humor helps relieve these
distressful times.  He points out that if we can find humor, healing
is taking place. He says laughter is a coping strategy and keeps us
balanced.  He even gives some learn to laugh exercises. He tells us to
look for laughter in everything life throws at us. He talks about one
fellow, Mark, who was dying. Mark went a got a gold spray-painted
king's crown to wear to remind him that he was in charge of his life.
"he knew that he had little control over the course of his disease,
but he could control his feelings. He said I have decided to put on a
happy face  and to adopt a cheerful attitude." Through out his book he
has many of these little antedotes. Just reading this book puts a
smile on your face and gives you a positive outlook on life.
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