Chris Harper
Multicultural Studies of Healing
Blog/ Journal

I am currently visiting my family in Newark, De, the center of the
University of Delawares campus and only 20 minutes from the large
of Wilmington. This area makes me think alot about how the food
production is america needs total re-working for the general health
the nation. In Vermont we are all so lucky to have access to local
foods and organics at large. In Newark there are two health food
stores hidden behind the mess of fast food and grocery stores.  We
cause endless problems for ourselves because of our food choices.
first 3 causes of death are inextricably linked to diet: heart
disease, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Here, there is almost no
local produce and everything in the store travels halfway across the
country before it gets here. The natural food has its half-isle and
almost twice as expensive . There are some farmers markets right over
the border in Md. and PA., but the cities are a different story.
There is no choice there.  People have to eat to live and they have
take what they can get.  80-90% of the corn grown in the US is for
feed.  That is a lot of land and the price of feeding cows grain is
about a 90% energy loss in the end.  If we used this land to
vegetables and kept our cows on grass, we would have endless amounts
of food.  It would be cheaper, better, and healthier.  We, as a
culture must cut our rate of beef and dairy consumption, as they are
the number one nutritional health threats and environmental threats.
On top of that, the use of pesticides and growth hormones puts
chemicals into our body that are not meant to be there.
I was thinking.... nobody seems to have a cure to cancer or even a
solid reason it exists.  I believe the consumption of growth hormones
and other chemicals is a catalyst for cancer.  I may be using the
wrong reasoning, but cancer is the unregulated growth of cells and we
are eating growth hormones off our plate everyday as average
americans.  Other countries wont accept our meat because of what we
to it, for good reason!  If anyone gets the chance I suggest they
a book by John Robbins called The Food Revolution.  Its scary, but
necessary that people realize what has happend to our food production
in the last 200 years.  He has a quote in there from the head of a
meat processing plant. " It is okay and generally healthy for people
to eat beef and chicken and dairy in their daily lives..... unless it
comes from the grocery store."  Buy organic, local, and watch out for
those grocery stores!  Food is an industry  and the only thing that
will change it is putting your very dollars into good means.  As long
as there is money flow into something in the western world, it will
not die.

I believe is is essential for a healer to be in good health and
states before helping others.  In our culture, where computers and
gadgets run alot of the show, we can get away with it.  But when you
get into energy therapies and other alternatives having to do with
mind such as reiki, there is a much more personal relationship going
on, one that is based on energy between people.  Either side of the
party could be responsible for transferring energy that need not be.
If the person is sick, the healer must be strong enough to not absorb
the energy at their cost, and if the healer is unhealthy, they can
transfer that energy residue as well.

So..... I tend to be one of those people who are always striving
towards the future, always planning ahead and measuring potentials of
everything around. It has taken me a long time to work with keeping
consciouness grounded in the now.  If  you are always looking ahead,
you can never see what is here now, only potentials that do not exist
yet. From there most of the time you proceed toward making your
gathered potentials live up to their potential and when you get to
what you thought would be the resolving product, it is less than what
you dreamt it to be. You realize all the time and energy you spent
because of focusing on the future, a time when the grass will be
greener. With keeping tight to your future plans, you have no way to
receive guiding intuition that would possibly change everything in a
moment, in THIS moment.  One step at a time.  Germinate, grow,
decay. Life.  Be nonattached to the outcome and bask in the being of
now. I have been taught this lesson over and over again and am still
working with it.  What I am truly beginning to realize is all the
things that these books have been talking to me about for years.
is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.  Love what you do, when
you are doing it.  You bring yourself to and from every situation
appears.  You are responsible. In a sense, you have some control
through choice.  Isnt that beautiful?  Every moment is a moment on
journey, one that never ends.  Life is of moments, why give away your
moments while dreaming of what moments might happen later.  This one
moment right now is for you right now, perfectly flowed into and will
soon be gone.  Gotta ask, whats here for me now?
Any thoughts?

Ihave used art as my personal therapy since highschool.  Each piece
is a meditation, anchoring you to line, color, and form.  Watch it
grow.  One line leads to another, one color leads to the next, just
like life itself. Pick something to focus on and just go with it.
What I really liked to do is make them for other people.  Its amazing
to see how each person brings out different colors and forms and
actually ends up looking like it matches their energy.  You cant
about the outcome though, no planning allowed.  No intellect or
to guide the pen, just feeling, intuition, and holding your minds eye
on your friend.  The vibrations on the paper are very vibrant and
speak volumes about how you feel, which can get you in trouble if you
harbor any negative subconscious feelings about the person.  Also,
piece should be given with absolute love and no expectations. Try it
out, free your inner artist, it is therapy for you and others!

With America as the melting pot of culture for the world, it is often
very hard to determine or see ones purpose or place in the world.
thing we have here in America is the right and ability to believe
we want. Many cultures rely on their ways for SURVIVAL, and
to their ways and beliefs keep them alive and connected with the
community(much more communal than our society because they all share
the same base set of belifs and inherit THE WAY from their elders) We
have so much info running into our minds everday, getting glimpses of
several cultures, but not being able to be a part of any one
particularly. All the colors run together and create a GRAY . So the
questions are : who am i, why did i get here, and what is my purpose.
To be fully well, you need to have stories to tell yourself to CREATE
meaning, and try to paint that picture vibrant. These are all things
that americans do not have answered for them in the same way as
individuals in traditional cultures.  In america, you create your own
story for yourself, most of the time separate from the people around
you.  They influence you, but you are not told by an elder the way,
just their particular ways that may differ greatly from their next
door neighbor.  Endless possibities that can rattle your mind for a
lifetime if you look at those questions too hard, which is what i
to do. On page 49 of Coyote Healing there is an piece that talks
creating a sense of meaning in life to prevent being "swallowed into
nothingness" What Ive come up with is be in good company, utilize
passions and talents for the benefit of others and your own
nurturence.  Past that is blank for me, just a realm of possibilty
that no one knows the truth to.  The Dalai Lama himself said
to the extent of:  I could sit here my entire life under a tree and
just breathe and live on grains of rice, studying these practices and
reducing my karma to prevent rebirth, but there is absolutely no
knowing whether I will be reborn or not, I AM JUST LIVING MY WAY, the
way that works for me.  His way of living works for him, that is ,the
reality he has created for himself.

Our society as of now suffers from our perceived disconnectedness
ourselves;the whole.  The components of our society that we feed with
our everyday lives fuels this perception.  Capitalism is a firm basis
for the notion of survival of the fittest or everyone for themselves.
We each live separate lives with a few close ones, have our own
car, space, land that is under our individual ownership, and even
ultra-specialized jobs that leaves us to make money to utilize other
persons trades.  We do not work together, though we will for money.
Communal living is opposite of capitalism.  Nobody is capitlalizing
one another, but rather seeing what the group has, and working
together to make the best of it.  No one is left behind and no one
gets too far ahead.  This style of living is such more condusive to
seeing that we all are interconnected and serve a purpose for
eachother.  It is much easier to see the point that: WE NEED THESE
OTHER PEOPLE!  Our society is of competition and class battles
cause people to discriminate who they perceive they are from the
of what is really going on.

And it is very frustrating, isnt it?  We have no way to change things
on a mass scale because of the way of life our western world has
adopted.  We, and I,and you utilize systems of separation everday in
our western world.  It is absolutely necessary for inquiry into how
got to this state for any possibility of transformation. We need to
acknowledge what is wrong to change it.... a very similar concept to
healing; first step is facing the illness.  Awareness is not bliss....

This form of mantra repetition is very effective for clearing the
and the cultivation of concentration.  When we leave our fleeting
thoughts, our desires, and inside chatter for practicing peace, we
remember who we are, what we have, and can more clearly get a sense
why we are here and how we can more effectively use the talents and
skills that were given to us individually by the creator.  When you
are not thinking on impulse, you get to see what is here clearly,
making it easy to maintain a healthy sense of self and direction.
Spiritual ecstacy is based in the now and this form of meditation can
be a very grounding experience, allowing you to see where you are and
what you have to do, plan it out, and execute from one step to the
next effectively.  It is very satisfying to live with a purpose, and
clearing my mind and facing my (even if only perceived) purpose
everyday helps get through daily life one day at a time.


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