Every living thing has energy.  Throughout the years the idea of
energy focused healing has become more accepted throughout the United
States.  Research has proven the point that we all have energy.
Science has also been helpful in proving that energy healing actually
makes a difference and enhances peoples life.

The SQUID magnetometer, (SQUID stands for superconducting quantum
interference device), is a device that was developed to detect small
magnetic fields.  It can even detect energy in living beings.  It has
been used to test whether the magnetic energy field of mice might be
similar to an internal compass.

These devices that can prove living beings have energy help to
encourage the development of human energy forward ideas.  Finally
there is something that can prove the reports and healings for
thousands of years.  Now we have an objective way to measure the
subjective reports energy.  The scientific community is helping to
further the healing practices of others.

A very interesting study conducted by Valerie Hunt, a Physical
Therapist and Professor of Kinesiology at U.C.L.A. California, that
measures peaks of frequency of electrical impulses within the body.
She relates these electric impulses to aura and the human energy.
These frequencies she was able to measure she then related to tones
and colors seen as an aura.  She was then able to further her research
and found similarities in people how display similar energy field
frequencies.  For example, people displaying no significant peaks
about 250 Hz tended to be materialistic minded.  People who peak
between 400 and 800 Hz seemed to have healing abilities.  People who
had extra-sensory perception tended to peak between 800 and 900 Hz.
And those with the highest peaks, over 900 Hz, tended to be able to
act on “hunches”.  She calls these people mystical personalities.
She also was able to relate these frequencies to the colors seen as
auras.  See the following field.  (Taken from:
--sorry I couldn't import the graph, but they all correspond in
order.  For example a Dark Blue Aura relates to 200 HZ and the Base

The Relationship of the Human Energy Field Frequencies
to the colors of the Aura and the Chakras:
color   Approx. Central Frequency Hz    Chakra
Dark Blue
Light Blue
Cream, White
1400    B

Toby Christensen is a healer through music.  He is known as “The
Healing Drummer” and learned much of his drumming techniques in
Africa.  In addition Tony studied Healing Drumming, Shamanism and
Native American Drumming.  Tony travels around the country providing
healing sessions, drumming circles, workshops, and interactive

Tony uses the sound force of the drum to disrupt negative energy
patterns and to realign and restore the mind, body and spirit.  Sound
Attunement Therapy is the use of vibrational energy that brings beings
into harmony.  This drumming helps to your bio-energetic structure
which promotes healing and restores energy.

Studies have suggested that this healing drumming can be effective in
treating emotional disorders such as depression, anger, and anxiety.
Other studies have also suggested that this therapeutic drumming can
increase immune system function, control pain, relieve stress, and has
been successful in treating serious conditions such as substance
abuse, alcoholism, AIDS, adrenal failure, high blood pressure and

Personally, I have never experienced in live in-person music intended
to be healing but I do have cd’s that I use.  It is called brain wave
technology.  I use Brain Sync, created by Kelly Howell.  The sounds on
each cd are designed to enable your brain to reach special states.  I
truly feel a difference when I use this technology.  I feel refreshed
and rejuvenated.  Sometimes I use it to help me to feel that my life
has a purpose and it helps me to redefine that purpose.  I look
forward to furthering my journey around reading auras and learning
more about energy healing.

Reiki is another form of energy healing. Reiki practitioners believe
that people have an energy field that is bound up in a system of
chakras.  Chakras are energy centers located in places in the body,
starting near the bottom of your spine and ending in your head.  The
final Chakras is believed to be located directly above your head.
These energy centers are bound up with your emotional and physical
well-being.  When our Chakras are unbalanced due to emotional or
physical illness, it can affect our sense of wellbeing on a whole. It
is believed that ones personal energy (bound up in Chakras) is also
connected to universal energy.

While Reiki is being practiced on someone the experiences very.
Someone might feel slight tingling, or have hot or cold flashes,
others report feeling nothing and other fall asleep.  The experience
one has during Reiki doesn’t mean that there was or wasn’t any

Reiki was discovered at the end of the 19th century by a man named
Mikao Usui.  He was a Japanese priest who went on a quest to find a
new method of healing.  After meditating, he found that he knew the
symbols and mantras of Reiki.  He was able to teach this new tool of
healing to many people.  Hawayo Takata, a Hawaiian American, was
transferred the power from Usui and after the Second World War he
brought Reiki to America.
In Japanese, the word Reiki means universal energy.  Reiki is not
related in any one religion and anyone who wishes to become a Reiki
master is welcome to.
In this practice traditionally the “patient” lies down while the Reiki
master slowly moves their hands over them, they may move their hands a
few inches over the patient or may actually touch them.  While doing
this the Reiki master feels the energy and manipulates it.
Medical researchers at the University of Texas studied the
Reiki is not taught as most other forms, it is instead transferred
from Reiki masters.

I have really enjoyed taking this class and feel that it was the
perfect beginning to defining a life of spirit, discipline, purpose
and pride.  I look forward to learning more about being more positive
and being a “ripple” to others around me.  For if everyone starts a
ripple, together we can wash down the walls of the greatest
oppression.  I hope to help build community, locally and globally,
even if just by sending out positive energy to those around me.

Massage & Relaxation: part two: Soul: Reiki: This therapy claims to
harness the healing power of universal energy to rebalance the body.
Reiki masters claim they can restore vitality to mind, body and soul
without necessarily even touching the patient The Observer, England.
July 6, 2008.

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