I enjoyed reading your post.  Your comment about not having the
opportunity to alter the way in which illness was viewed because a
different view  didn't exist for you hit home.  You can't change what
you don't know.  The book talks about the health-seeking process being
a decision-making process and the choices that are made as
circumstances and knowledge changes.  So as we mature and acquire more
knowledge, hopefully we come up with more and better options for
treatment help.

On Jun 27, 5:49 pm, Andy <> wrote:
>                  Posing this question to myself is enabling me to put
> so of my past experiences in to context of seeing that healing is
> always occuring.
>                  In looking back on my life I am able to see some
> distinct periods of time where I was involved with groups of people
> who saw healing some pretty clear ways.
>                  The first one that comes to mind is the family unit
> where in order to have a undersranding of healing is there needs to be
> a clear definition of what disease is.  My family gave me a
> perspective of healing and disease that was dependent on the a doctors
> opinion as to what the pathogen or aliment is and how it is that it
> can be evacuated out of the body. The perspective that I shared with
> my family for the better part of the first 18 year of my life was that
> I had to cope with with sickness.
>              This lead to many runs in with anxiety and bouts of
> depression.  Observing this from a distance here in the present tiem
> has enabled me to see that I did not allow myself to express my
> anxiety with the inability to work with what life had given me  with
> growing up in a small Vermont town.  What is amazing was that there
> was no means of becoming aware of the stress and the affects that it
> had on my body and my mind.
>            Looking back on this portion of my life, it is almost
> frightening that the opportunity to challenge the statis quo: in find
> a way to deal and release stress in a personalized manner that is
> geared towards understanding the perspective through which a person
> sees themselves, was for the most part not a reality.  In this sub-
> culture(family) the opportunity to alter the way in which illness was
> view for the most part did not exist and as a result the ability to
> manage it was absent.
>          This drive to understand my self better helped to formulate
> the nexts steps I would take in my life in order to live in a manner
> that was closer to how I understood life to be. There will be more in
> the near future for now I most go.
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