Good work.  I'll be in Vermont from July 20-24 if anyone wants to meet
or interview me for their project.  Also, I'm afraid I'm at a sundance
and can't be available by dimdim or phone this week, but would come to
Johnson next week if there is any interest in a face to face meeting.


On Jul 12, 4:34 pm, Diane Perrin <> wrote:
> I went to a Reading of ‘Only Drunks and Children Tell the Truth’
> written by Drew Hayden Taylor of Ojibway heritage with Tantoo Cardinal
> (Cree/Metis), Gary Farmer (Cayuga Nation/Iroquois Confederacy), Sheila
> Tousey (Menomineeand Stockbridge Munsee) and James Fall Shubinski
> (Stockbridge/Munsee).  It was a comedy/drama about two Ojibway sisters
> coming together after their mother’s death after being separated when
> the younger sister was taken away by the government as an infant; she
> was raised by white people inLondonand was a lawyer.  It was an
> enjoyable show, and brought up issues which were mind provoking, such
> as the lawyer sister's confusion about her identity.
> July 12, 2009
> I finally connected with Wendy Halley, the psychotherapist who does
> shamanic healing.  We had a long discussion and she told me how she
> came to follow this path.  Wendy has always been empathic and drawn to
> healing, thus becoming a psychotherapist.  However, she felt there had
> to be something more; she felt that talk therapy wasn’t enough to
> induce change for many people.  As a child, she was fascinated with
> the fact that her great-grandmother was Cherokee, but since she had
> been raised by white people, had lost the connection to her heritage.
> In a short story, she had rented space for her workshop where there
> was a woman offering shamanic healing and training.  Intrigued, she
> scheduled some healing sessions, and after experiencing some visions
> where she was convinced she saw some past lives, started training.  As
> a child, Wendy had a strong connection with the invisible world, and
> has found that her invisible friends are now her spirit helpers.
> We discussed her success with her clients, which she thinks is about
> 80%.  She doesn’t advertise and is busy, so thinks that means people
> are happy with her services.  Wendy described a healing session.  She
> works alone starting with burning sage to clear the air.  She does an
> opening ceremony, asking for the spirit helpers in the region, hers
> and the client’s.  She only uses spirits of a certain frequency so
> there are no negative or dangerous ones.  She then plays a recorded
> drumming track, which is a common practice, and this brings hers into
> an altered state, which happens quickly, and it brings her access to
> her helping spirit.  Her helping spirit is an ancestral spirit, which
> was a past life and also an ancestor.  Wendy talked about looking at
> the landscape of the client’s soul – there were layers to deal with,
> starting with whom you think you are and finally getting to whom you
> really are.  She discussed extracting negative energy that didn’t
> serve the person any longer and repatterning to reflect who they
> really were.  She also mentioned power augmentation and working with
> lightning medicine, and soul retrievals.
> When asked about knowing what to heal, she said that is where her
> counseling experience comes in handy.  The client tells her story and
> what she feels needs healing.  Most frequently it is emotional/
> psychological and sometimes physical, which she feels is often
> connected.  She reads the client’s energy and finds her intuition has
> become sharper with experience.  Wendy says it’s important to know
> that healing doesn’t happen instantaneously, but trickles down from
> the spiritual to the physical.
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