I chose to have a shamanic healing session with Wendy Halley at her
house in Northfield.  It was held in a room in an old farmhouse that
they are remodeling with a large garden in back; dog in the other

We talked about my health, my background and history with myasthenia
gravis, which started pretty much out of the blue 10 months ago.  She
had already explained how the session would go:  she starts with
clearing the room and us with burning sage; she prays for her spirit
helpers, those in the region, hers and mine, to join us.  She uses a
recorded drum session and it helps her go into an altered state.  I
lay down on a table and she did her thing.  Wendy used various things
like a drum, rattles, crystals…I had my eyes closed most of the time
so don’t know everything she did.  She asked me to keep track of
anything I saw, felt, heard, etc.  All I remember feeling was a kind
of throbbing and a dark, elongated shape off center of my chest after
a few minutes.  Then my left side felt lighter, then my right side
slightly less lighter and it switched over to my right side again –
rather like a balancing.  And it went away.

Afterwards, Wendy tries to remember everything she saw and
experienced.  She said there was a lot there and she tried to go
through it.  Wendy said that her helpers said to tell me that no
matter what I believed came out of this session, that there was a big
healing.  She saw a dark, tight shape in the center of my chest, which
went up in a kind of Y to each side of my neck and around a bit.  Then
described a lot of tangled mesh-like stuff all over my chest and

Then she saw a small box shape in my solar plexus chakra with a small
girl alone in church looking at a huge elaborate crucifix.  The girl
was either afraid or confused about spirituality.

Wendy took out the mesh, and the box and under the box was another box
and a layer of fear.  She thought it was a past life centered in the
Spanish Inquisition and I was a young, innocent girl about 18 who had
entered the convent to become a nun.  Something happened where she did
something that caused her to be tortured and hanged.  She didn’t
understand what it was, and it caused her to shut down spiritually.
She had always believed she did the right thing.

The animal spirits that she saw for me were the hummingbird and
butterflies.  And said to call on them when I needed help.  They won’t
come unless I call.  She suggested I work on grounding myself and
finding the spirituality I seem to be looking for.

Wendy had returned to the Box where the little girl was and it already
getting bigger and was full of flowers, hummingbirds and butterflies.
She suggested I have them around me.  She also saw a bit of my true
self come down to help.

The session lasted two hours, and I had a peaceful ride home on a
beautiful afternoon.

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