
The English 3.0.4 version of Curl is now available from www.curl.com. If you have any further questions, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

What is new in this release?

This release of the Curl Integrated Development Environment (IDE) contains significant enhancements in almost every area.

Here is an overview of the new features.

Curl IDE Main Window

The main IDE window is now made up of a number of tiled panes. You can rearrange these panes using drag and drop. Drag the title bar and drop the window into the new position shown by an outline as you move the window around. Drop onto the title bar of an existing pane to create a new tab in that pane to hold the window you drop. Press the Esc key while dragging to cancel the drag without changing the layout.

You can drag and drop to float individual panes into stand-alone windows. You can also simply double-click the title bar to float the pane, or hold down the Ctrl key while dragging to prevent the window from docking. Double click the title bar of a floating pane to put it back where it came from.

The IDE keeps track of two arrangements of panes, one for editing and another for debugging. Use the View menu to see the full list of windows and the operations available on them.

Curl IDE Debugger

The debugger is now much more completely integrated into the development environment. Earlier releases provided a standalone debugging window. Now, when an applet stops, the main IDE window is raised and a debugging layout is applied. The source code for the stopped applet is shown in the IDE editor pane. In addition, several new windows were added (and existing windows improved) to support debugging. These appear by default when the debug layout is in effect.

Breakpoints - lists breakpoints set at source code locations
Exceptions - lists breakpoints that take effect when an exception is thrown
Stacktrace - shows the call stack of an applet stopped in the debugger
Locals - shows local variables from the selected stack frame
Expressions - shows expressions to be evaluated in the current stack frame
Several applets may be stopped in the debugger at once. A dropdown list in the Stacktrace pane lists them all and allows you to select the one to be debugged.

Curl IDE Editor Pane

The Editor pane now allows several files to be opened at once. Each open file is represented by a tab which you can select to make the file active. Right click a tab to see the operations you can perform when you have multiple files open. One new feature allows you to arrange to see two different files at once by splitting the editor pane. You can still see two parts of the same file one above the other by using the Split Editor Pane command on the Edit menu.

A dropdown list at top of the editor pane contains all of the symbols defined in the current file. Select an item to go directly to the source code for that definition.

Curl IDE Search Menu

A new Search menu provides new ways to search files and projects:

Search the definitions
Search the current buffer
Search all files in the current project
Search all open files
Search a directory
Search a directory recursively (including all subdirectories)
Regular expression searches are supported, as is search and replace. When you perform a multiple file search, the output is placed in a new Search Results pane.

Curl IDE Definitions Pane

The Definitions Pane is new in this release. It shows a hierarchical list of the symbols that are declared in the current project as well as in other files that may be open. Double-click a definition to go to the source code for it.

The autocompletion feature in the IDE editor has improved speed and accuracy. You can now autocomplete many more things, including a top-level symbol if you use Ctrl-Alt-T.

Curl IDE Class Browser

The IDE now includes a simple Class Browser. This new top-level window shows the inheritance relationships between known classes as a graph. It provides a quick overview of a project and provides a way to navigate to the source for any class or class member. Right-click the class name to get a list of members. Choose a member to open the editor on the source code for that member. Double click a class name to go to the source code for the class. The diagram shows imported classes in italics. For these classes, a double-click takes you to the documentation.

Curl Visual Layout Editor

The Visual Layout Editor now includes a table editor. The Tables tab allows you to create tables and add rows, columns, and cells.

The API for custom items on layout palette has been reworked considerably.

Documentation Viewer

The documentation viewer now provides new toolbar buttons to make commonly used operations more convenient. When viewing API documentation, it is now easy to expand and contract the documentation sections and to show and hide superclass documentation.

You can now select from two views in the API documentation. The Subclass Writer's View shows both public and protected definitions organized as in previous releases. The new Class User View simplifies the organization of the API by combining options, accessors, and fields under a category called Properties. In this mode, only public class members are shown.

Platform-native Character Encoding Support

Platform-native character encoding support is now provided. This feature dramatically extends the number of supported character encodings. See the Surge Lab IDE User's Guide section: Character Encoding Support in the Editing Curl Language Source chapter.

Applet Manager

The new Applet Manager on the Surge Control Panel displays useful information about executed applets. The Applet Manager also provides mechanisms for debugging, purging or terminating applets.

Extended OCC Installation Capabilities

Our OCC installation capabilities have been extended to support more complex applications. See the documentation for 'occ-install-or-update' for details.

'platform-switch' Macro

The new 'platform-switch' macro supports conditional compilation based on the current platform.

Naming Convention

We have adopted a naming convention for use when we need to introduce an internal API that cannot be completely hidden within a class or package. Names beginning with CurlInternal or curl-internal are reserved for use by Curl, Inc.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you.

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