Thanks Mat,

Originally the reason to customize HashTable-of was
a challenge to use Record class object for the key of HashTable.

I had to keep the record data and its detail data
(it's the same relation to so-called 'key and value' or
'master-details') internally behind the applet's UI,
for showing record's detail to other UI components
on the applet when user selects a record in the RecordGrid.

At first I used 'RecordView.get' which returns Record class
but it didn't work because the Record class object
which is added using RecordSet.append and being the key
of HashTable was not the same object to the object which
So I had to costomize {HashTable-of}'s hash value and the predicate
for the key.

After all, I could write the code.
And actually compile was OK, but the applet clashed due to
stack overflaw.
I've sent the code and video which capture the desktop
to curl's support team.
Oh no...

Maekawa Takanobu
CANSOFT,INC.Tel:044(969)9747 Fax:044(969)9748

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