Yong-Woong Kim wrote:

Hi, gurus!


I met with difficulty for building a VLE Extension.


My goal is to build a VLE Extension, to which users can take a class as its child.


First, I programmed the next class;



{define-class public TBaseForm {inherits Dialog}
  field protected fr : Frame = {Frame width={make-elastic}, height={make-elastic}}
  {constructor public {default label:any="TBaseForm", ...}
        border-width=1px, border-color="black", border-style="flat",
    {self.add replace?=true,
        {VBox width={make-elastic}, height={make-elastic}, background="",
            {CommandButton label=label},
  {method public {add-child g:any}:void
    {self.fr.add replace?=true, g}



As you already noticed it from the source code, if users take a class as its child,
the class becomes a child of TBaseForm.fr : Frame.


Next, I successfully built TBaseForm to a VLE extension, so when I launched the VLE,
I can see its icon in the palettes and use it, too.


However, when I ran it after I took a RecordGrid on it by a drag and drop,
an error raised; "A TBaseForm may Contain only a single graphic child."


Before I ran it, I certainly saw that the RecordGrid was added as a child of TBaseForm
in the Layout tree.


I think the problem is that the TBaseForm constructor already adds a child (the CommandButton) to the TBaseForm object.  So then when the code generated by the VLE tries to add your RecordGrid object as a child of the TBaseForm, an error occurs because the TBaseForm already has a child object.

Why does the TBaseForm constructor add this CommandButton as a child of the TBaseForm object?


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