On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 10:29:02AM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:
> Does ATF work for anyone on -current on some arm platform?
> After updating yesterday, it completely fails for me.
> Example:
> cd /usr/tests/bin/df && atf-run
> [..]
> info: env, HOSTTYPE=NetBSD
> info: env, OSTYPE=NetBSD
> info: env, MACHTYPE=arm32
> tps-count: 1
> tp-start: 1405585616.288856, t_df, 2
> tc-start: 1405585616.291897, hflag
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'tools::system_error'
> terminate called recursively
> Abort (core dumped)
> Martin
> P.S.: this are usefull diagnostics :-(

hm, last week I saw every gcc-complied program failing on my raspberry-pi
with this "usefull diagnostic". Recompiling tools and userland (on a fast
i386 ;-) from updated (-current) source and reinstalling the new userland
did help to get things going again for me.

YMMV, Kurt

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