Rich Neswold <> writes:

> I just got a hold of a pair of Dell 2850s and, while building from source,
> the system "froze" for several minutes. It eventually recovered. The logs
> didn't show anything unusual (like out of buffers), so I didn't pursue it
> aggressively. Doing a CVS checkout of PKGSRC also caused it, so it seems
> related to very high, write traffic. These systems have AMI Hardware RAID
> controllers (amr driver) and I figured when the write cache got full, it
> prevented any other disk I/O until the writes finished. I rebooted and went
> into the BIOS and shut off the write cache. I haven't seen the problem
> since, but I became busy with other projects and haven't tried to diagnose
> it further.

It seems you've got it.  I turned off the delayed write functionality of
the cache on my 2850, and the problem has gone away.  To test it, I
loaded the system down much more than previously, with various tasks,
each of which has triggered the unwanted behaviour in the past: I ran a
full build from source with "-j 4", and after observing for a while that
that caused no problems, I added a full backup, a busy bittorrent
client, and NFS service for another system build running on a client
system.  Still no hangs, and this sort of load would have ended with me
hitting the power button to regain control over the box in the past.

It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart
you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.  -Richard Feynman

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