Good afternoon,

I'm playing around with my RPI running current and the gpio binding.
Using the base lua(1), the gpio binding works really fine, but I also
like to use the pkgsrc lua-socket extension. By default, the pkg has
pkgsrc/lang/lua* as dependency and also installs into /usr/pkg.

How would I stick it together to have a lua(1) environment having both,
gpio binding and the socket extension? I've tried to adjust LUA_PATH and
LUA_CPATH to make lua able to find the extensions, but it seems to have
some incompatibilities:

/usr/bin/lua: error loading module 'socket.core' from file
    /usr/pkg/lib/lua/5.3/socket/ Undefined PLT symbol
"luaL_checkint" (symnum = 49)

Any ideas?

Many thanks!


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