In /usr/include/sys/signal.h find:

#define SIGABRT         6       /* abort() */

See also signal(7) and abort(3).

It would appear that make(1) called abort(3) since rm(1) doesn’t have any 
direct calls to it that I could find by reading the base source. Cursory grep 
through /usr/src/usr.bin/make/* shows possibilities …

Perhaps turning on some make debug options will reveal more.

        Erik Fair

> On May 3, 2016, at 16:59, Riccardo Mottola <> wrote:
> Hi,
> when I build current on amd64, my build fails with:
> #    create  font-misc-misc/6x12-ISO8859-4.bdf
> /usr/src/../obj/external/mit/xorg/tools/ucs2any/ucs2any 
> /usr/xsrc/external/mit/font-misc-misc/dist/6x12.bdf 
> /usr/src/../obj/destdir.amd64/usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/util/map-ISO8859-4 
> ISO8859-4
> Writing 223 characters into file '6x12-ISO8859-4.bdf'.
> #    create  font-misc-misc/6x12-ISO8859-4.pcf.gz
> rm -f 6x12-ISO8859-4.pcf.gz
> *** Signal 6
> Stop.
> nbmake[11]: stopped in 
> /usr/src/external/mit/xorg/share/fonts/misc/font-misc-mis c
> *** Failed target:  dependall
> *** Failed command: cd 
> "/usr/src/external/mit/xorg/share/fonts/misc/font-misc-misc"; 
> /usr/src/../tools/bin/nbmake realall
> *** Error code 1
> Stop.
> nbmake[10]: stopped in 
> /usr/src/external/mit/xorg/share/fonts/misc/font-misc-misc
> is the issue "Signal 6", what is going wrong?
> Thanks, Riccardo

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