Updating src tree:
P src/sys/arch/amd64/amd64/locore.S
P src/sys/arch/macppc/conf/GENERIC
P src/tests/lib/libc/sys/t_mprotect.c
P src/tests/lib/libsljit/Makefile
P src/usr.sbin/npf/npftest/Makefile

Updating xsrc tree:

Killing core files:

Running the SUP scanner:
SUP Scan for current starting at Sun May 29 03:01:41 2016
SUP Scan for current completed at Sun May 29 03:01:59 2016
SUP Scan for mirror starting at Sun May 29 03:01:59 2016
SUP Scan for mirror completed at Sun May 29 03:04:42 2016

Updating file list:
-rw-rw-r--  1 srcmastr  netbsd  54043356 May 29 03:06 ls-lRA.gz

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