Hubert Feyrer <> wrote:
>On Wed, 10 Aug 2016, wrote:
>> There shouldn't be anything special about building from OS X.
>> You just ran into a setup that happens to not work with it.
>Well, that's my question: what _does_ work?
>I have OS X 10.10.5 (Yosemite) and no wish to upgrade,
>so pointers on where to get proper Xcode, Command line tools etc. would 

Can you compile a "Hello World" C program with either set of tools ?

>> It'd be good to file a bug report for it, or at least mention where it
>> fails.
>Here are the details and errors for two builds, 1) with GCC/LLVM 
>(/Developer/usr/bin/cc) and 2) with LLVM/CLANG (/usr/bin/cc).
>1) /Developer/usr/bin/cc:
>    error: 'LONG_MIN' undeclared
>    in tools/binutils

This should be in limits.h, it is a part of the C standard.

>2) /usr/bin/cc:
>    Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_iconv"
>    in external/gpl3/gcc/usr.bin/backend

This should be in libc.

Robert Swindells

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