On Fri, 16 Sep 2016 21:43:22 +0900, Rin Okuyama <rokuy...@rk.phys.keio.ac.jp>

> NFS boot fails with ip_output.c rev 1.261 with my ERLITE (evbmips64-eb):
>   root on cnmac0
>   nfs_boot: trying BOOTP
>   cnmac0: link state DOWN (was UNKNOWN)
>   cnmac0: link state UP (was DOWN)
>   nfs_boot: BOOTP next-server:
>   nfs_boot: my_name=erlite
>   nfs_boot: my_addr=
>   nfs_boot: my_mask=
>   nfs_boot: gateway=
>   nfs_boot: sosend: 49
>   nfs_boot: sosend: 49
>   nfs_boot: sosend: 49
>   nfs_boot: mountd error=49
>   nfs_boot: mountd `cubietruck:/exports/erlite', error=49
>   cannot mount root, error = 49
>   root device (default cnmac0):

I observed the same on amd64 (Dell PowerEdge 1950 (III) with "bnx"

On Sat, 17 Sep 2016 13:09:45 +0100, Roy Marples <r...@marples.name> wrote:

> When I first proposed it offlist, we thought the current implementation
> was the correct thing.
> Here is a patch to just do as you suggest.
> http://www.netbsd.org/~roy/ip_output_tentative.patch
> Can the OP test it and see if NFS booting then works?

I'm not the OP, but applying the patch restores NFS root mounting for
me.  I'll test evbmips-mip64el, sparc, macppc, and i386 soon-ish.

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