On Nov 19,  8:48pm, Rhialto wrote:
} On Sun 19 Nov 2017 at 18:14:06 +0000, co...@sdf.org wrote:
} > I still think that we should remove offensive quotes, and if people
} > cannot agree on it, all of fortune.
} It isn't even so much that they are "offensive" as such. It is just that
} out there in the Real World, you Simply Do Not Quote Adolf Hitler, at
} least not without embedding it in proper historical context and making
} absolutely clear that we're talking about a really horrible person, etc
} etc. Those are all things way outside the scope of fortune(1), so those
} quotes have no place there.
} Why this is so difficult to understand for intelligent persons, I don't
} know.

     It is completely normal for intelligent people to have different
opinions.  But, have you considered that the intelligent people
have trouble understanding why you don't understand their position?
When a large number of people disagree with you, it's time to take
a look in the mirror.

     This isn't to say that the masses are always correct.  They
could be suffering from group think (another way of saying peer
pressure), mass delusion, common self-interest, etc.  Anybody that
knows me will know that I'm totally off-side when it comes to AGW.
I'm totatlly aware of that, but I have valid defensible reasons
along with some explanations for why I think the other side takes
their position.  I'm not going to get into any of this here since
it is seriously off-topic and would generate a huge flamewar.  My
point is that if you find yourself off-side, then you need to
consider why.  If after that consideration, you feel that you are
still correct then all the more power to you.  However, whining
about people not taking your position isn't going to be very
effective (something I need to keep in mind).

}-- End of excerpt from Rhialto

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