Yes, that’s what it turned out to be (I figured it out late yesterday but 
forgot to send a note).

Any idea why Linux, Mac OS X, and FreeBSD all behave differently?  I peeked at 
the FreeBSD code, and it appears to have handling for VMIN/VTIME similar to 
NetBSD — but the behavior for this application (configured the same way) is not 
like NetBSDs.  I haven’t looked at the Mac OS X or Linux kernels.

Anyway, thank you for pushing me in the right direction.  I’ve got it working, 
and am now on to dealing with differences in the tun driver behavior — the 
application has some assumptions based on how Linux behaves.


> On Feb 22, 2019, at 10:07 PM, Michael van Elst <> wrote:
> (Rob Newberry) writes:
>> But the “read” call takes 25 seconds or more!
> That's your application.
> If configured with ",default" it sets all control characters to
> _POSIX_VDISABLE, including the 'VMIN' and 'VTIME' characters.
> socket-utils.c:889
>       FETCH_TERMIOS();
>       for (i=0; i < NCCS; i++) {
>               tios.c_cc[i] = _POSIX_VDISABLE;
>       }
> but
>     If the value of one of the changeable special control characters (see
>     Special Characters) is {_POSIX_VDISABLE}, that function is disabled; that
>     is, no input data is recognized as the disabled special character.  If
>     ICANON is not set, the value of {_POSIX_VDISABLE} has no special meaning
>     for the VMIN and VTIME entries of the c_cc array.
> _POSIX_VDISABLE is '\377', so your read waits for 255 chars and times
> out after 255 tenth of a second.
> Greetings,
> -- 
> -- 
>                                Michael van Elst
> Internet:
>                                "A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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