I did install 9.0_RC1 on a bare metal machine accepting all the defaults, and it boots fine with UEFI.

On 12/12/19 5:00 AM, Chavdar Ivanov wrote:
I can confirm - in the case of yesterday's -current - that there is
nothing wrong with the efi/gpt installation procedure and the problem
is with the two .efi files. On VirtualBox I attached the new 'bad'
disk to the working EFI NetBSD instance, renamed the 'boot' folder in
the FAT partition to 'boot.bad'. created 'boot' folder and placed
there the working .efi files. This resulted in perfectly bootable new
NetBSD vm. For comparison:
total 420
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  217139 Dec 12 09:48 bootia32.efi
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  205820 Dec 12 09:48 bootx64.efi

total 448
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  234874 Dec 11 21:34 bootia32.efi
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  220293 Dec 11 21:34 bootx64.efi


The 'bad' ones are a little bigger, created yesterday under -current
build. The good ones were from sometimes in July this year.


On Thu, 12 Dec 2019 at 08:33, Martin Husemann <mar...@duskware.de> wrote:
On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 09:10:57AM +0100, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:
Martin Husemann <mar...@duskware.de> wrote:

Emmanuel, could you please have a look?
I do not reproduce that one. Can you share the exact commands to build
the testbed?
This one had been created manually and worked with old efiboot.
Instructions would be: boot 9.0 RC1 installer uefi image, let sysinst
install onto hard disk.

But maybe the details below help you spot something.


# gpt show -a wd0
      start      size  index  contents
          0         1         PMBR
          1         1         Pri GPT header
          2        32         Pri GPT table
         34        30         Unused
         64    262144      1  GPT part - Windows basic data
                                  Type: windows
                                  TypeID: ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7
                                  GUID: e4c1b47a-0e33-4800-acd5-8755f42eeabd
                                  Size: 128 M
                                  Attributes: None
     262208        64         Unused
     262272  45875133      2  GPT part - NetBSD FFSv1/FFSv2
                                  Type: ffs
                                  TypeID: 49f48d5a-b10e-11dc-b99b-0019d1879648
                                  GUID: 7878519c-4b35-427a-9e89-7b68cfd96920
                                  Size: 22400 M
                                  Attributes: biosboot, bootme
   46137405         3         Unused
   46137408  16777119      3  GPT part - NetBSD swap
                                  Type: swap
                                  TypeID: 49f48d32-b10e-11dc-b99b-0019d1879648
                                  GUID: 6173740a-d903-4c13-84a3-ad7b516bd5ce
                                  Size: 8192 M
                                  Attributes: None
   62914527        32         Sec GPT table
   62914559         1         Sec GPT header
# dkctl wd0 listwedges
/dev/rwd0: 3 wedges:
dk0: e4c1b47a-0e33-4800-acd5-8755f42eeabd, 262144 blocks at 64, type: ntfs
dk1: 7878519c-4b35-427a-9e89-7b68cfd96920, 45875133 blocks at 262272, type: ffs
dk2: 6173740a-d903-4c13-84a3-ad7b516bd5ce, 16777119 blocks at 46137408, type: 
# moutnt /dev/dk1 /mnt
# ls -l /mnt/netbsd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  26214320 Jul 14 21:37 /mnt/netbsd

90% of my problems are due to ignorance, the other 10% is because I just don't 
know any better.

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