On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 07:24:30PM +0000, Thomas Mueller wrote:
> > > Then what will be the primary way to track NetBSD src and pkgsrc trees?
> > > Now it's CVS, mirrored to git.  What will replace CVS, will it be git, 
> > > hg, or something else, and will it be in the base system, or will it have 
> > > to be built or pkg_add'ed from pkgsrc?
> > > Is it a matter of CVS being less secure?  I see that OpenBSD, the great 
> > > security-minded OS, still uses CVS, mirrored on Github.
> > Hi Thomas,
> > The main motivation to move away from CVS is that it's lacking in
> > features. The plan so far is to move to Mercurial, and not have it in
> > base. "Bootstrapping" is still possible using tarballs.
> > While I would hesitate to connect to a malicious CVS server, I don't see
> > a reason to suspect CVS is significantly worse than Git-over-SSH, for
> > example. A lot of the security in CVS relies on the SSH implementation.
> Git is much more widely used than Mercurial, as far as I can see.
> I have never been to a repository where Mercurial was the only or primary VCS.
> I've built and installed git from ports (FreeBSD) and pkgsrc (NetBSD), but 
> never Mercurial.
> If a Mercurial repository/archive is bootstrapped from a tarball, how is it 
> updated?
> FreeBSD switched from cvsup and csup to svn in summer 2012 due to a security 
> breach.
> The full svn is not in FreeBSD base system; base system has an optional 
> svnlite, which I decline in favor of building the devel/subversion port, 
> which I have done in both FreeBSD (ports) and NetBSD (pkgsrc).

This is an old discussion. If you are interested in this, read the
archives of the tech-repository mailing list.


Short version: we're migrating to hg, it goes slowly, but progress is


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