Installed current NetBSD 9.99.60 (GENERIC) #0 and pkgsrc current on 05/08/2020 at about 0900 EST. I tried to build dbus but got an error when it tried to build perl5.

sh: 1: Syntax error: Word "/d"p" unexpected (expecting ")")
*** Error code 2

make[1]: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/lang/perl5
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/pkgsrc/lang/perl5

I "fixed" the problem in the Makefile. See diff:

# diff Makefile Makefile.orig
< SUBST_SED.dirmode=    -e "s/755/${PKGDIRMODE}/g;/umask/d"
> SUBST_SED.dirmode=    -e "s/755/${PKGDIRMODE}/g;/umask(/d"

After that it failed again with the following message:

Making utilities

Everything is up to date. Type '/usr/bin/make test' to run test suite.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/pkgsrc/lang/perl5/work/perl-5.30.2 ./perl -Ilib -I. installperl --destdir=/usr/pkgsrc/lang/perl5/work/.destdir
Unmatched right curly bracket at ./ line 42, at end of line
syntax error at ./ line 42, near "}"
Compilation failed in require at installperl line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at installperl line 11.
*** Error code 255

I removed the stray } and it finished building. See diff

# diff work/perl-5.30.2/ work/perl-5.30.2/
> }

“90% of my problems are due to ignorance, the other 10% is because I just don’t 
know any better.”

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