On 16.06.2020 16:27, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> In article <02813400-41f9-cec9-84d0-ed3ccd2a8...@netbsd.org>,
> Kamil Rytarowski  <ka...@netbsd.org> wrote:
>> -=-=-=-=-=-
>> Perpetuating this Western-centric stereotype in such renames is abusive
>> to the white East people, that used to be on the black skin side of the
>> human history (Slavic ethnicity has etymology in the word 'slave' - do
>> you want to rename us?). Putting it into throats of the rest of the
>> global East world is offensive. At least the renames won't take away the
>> title of "the White Negroes of Europe" as given with brotherhood and
>> respect by Jean-Jacques Dessalines to so called Polanders (and
>> perpetuated in the Hayti constitution from 1805). The fact that
>> Americans did not follow the Last Will of the founding father of United
>> States Kosciuszko (Polish by origin) of liberating slaves (Jefferson the
>> 3rd president preferred to keep the slaves for better profit) and
>> instead vandalized his memorial in the recent days is just meaningful.
> I think that you would agree that owners of applications should be
> allowed to name them as they please. And that me renaming my application
> causes equal "abuse" (inconvenience) to everyone.
> christos

Quod scripsi, scripsi.

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