Hi Chavdar,

Chavdar Ivanov wrote:
(If you do find a bug in pkg_rr, of which there are many, please do
report it.  But it is confusing to people to conflate what broke with
the program that merely chose the sequence.)
In this case I don't think it is anything to do with
pkg_rolling-replace; I've reported a few of these hangs, which happen
to happen during pkg_rolling-replace, but involve most often cmake,
but other programs as well. Apparently there are similarities in the
traces, perhaps pointing to the thread model and execution. In all
these occasions the process in question continued to a successful
conclusion after attaching and then detaching with gdb.

I think you are right. I then tried manually updating some packages with "make replace"... and I got a hang also when building glib2.
So pkg_rolling-replacing is just on top and has nothing to do with it.

The place and file where the hang occours is consistent.

In my case, libvdpau is not using cmake! you can see on the command line CMAKE=false

It is involving make, python and meson:

10978 pts/5 T    0:00.16 make replace
18674 pts/5 O+   0:00.01 ps -a
19416 pts/5 T 0:00.52 /usr/pkg/bin/python3.7 /usr/pkg/bin/meson --prefix /usr/pkg --libdir lib --mandir man --sysconfdir /usr/pkg/etc --buildtype=plain -Degdir=/usr/pkg/share/examples
20711 pts/5 S    0:00.01 -sh
20839 pts/5 T 0:00.00 /bin/sh -c set -e;\t\t\t\t\t if test -n "" && /usr/sbin/pkg_info -K /var/db/pkg -qe libvdpau-1.4; then echo ===\\> "Skipping installation of already handled pa


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