On Friday 16 Oct 2020, at 11:05, Anthony Mallet wrote:
> For some databases (especially those in the firefox profile, but not
> only), inserting a row in some tables (not all) from a NFS client does
> not update the file on the server.

I made some progress on this, and could apparently fix something. See
attached a sample script that reliably reproduces the issue.

To summarize: when the script is run on the NFS client, changes in the
sqlite database do appear on the NFS client, but do not appear on
the server.

As Chuck suggested in another e-mail, reverting uvm_bio.c to previous 1.121
$NetBSD: uvm_bio.c,v 1.121 2020/07/09 09:24:32 rin Exp $
appears to fix the issue (at least the test script was working 3 times
in a row while it always failed with uvm_bio.c:1.222).

Hope this helps ...


rm -f $db
$sqlite $db 'create table t(x text, i integer primary key autoincrement)'
$sqlite $db 'insert into t (x) values ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")'

x=`$sqlite $db 'select * from t;'`
y=`ssh $nfsserver $sqlite $db "'select * from t;'"`
test "$x" = "$y" || { echo "fail: $x vs $y"; exit 2; }
echo ok

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