On Thu, Sep 16, 2021 at 02:48:16PM -0700, Brian Buhrow wrote:
>       hello.  Okay.  I tried -nocolor with lynx + ncurses.  It works fine and 
> doesn't
> demonstrate the same problem.  This is a different problem -- the select 
> choices in the pop-up
> window are not rendered at all, it's not that they're rendered in a 
> transparent color, they're
> just not there.

It is not surprising that it works with ncurses given the same developer
works on both lynx and ncurses.

>  I think there is still an issue with the base libcurses library and, like
> Brett, I think it's different than the problem he already solved.

Yes it does sound like a different problem probably another instance of
the window terminfo being radically different to xterm/vt100 which is
not a bad thing but just that it shows up some bugs that are hidden
which was the case with the previous bug I squashed.  That one had been
there since curses was imported into NetBSD, every other terminal in
popular use must use ^J for cud1 which had the side effect of moving the
cursor to the beginning of the next line but window has a true cursor
down that does not move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
It took me ages to believe that was the issue.

I am working on something else at the moment but get to this next.

Brett Lymn
Sent from my NetBSD device.

"We are were wolves",
"You mean werewolves?",
"No we were wolves, now we are something else entirely",

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