> I'm looking to upgrade my graphics card. What's the newest generation
> that's well supported by NetBSD-current now?
> NVidia "Pascal" (e.g. GTX 1050 Ti)?
> Radeon "Polaris" (e.g. Radeon RX 550)?
> or even something newer?

we have reports that 1030 works well.  i still haven't gotten
a newer nvidia since those are beyond my toy-gpu-card-price :-)

the RX 550 mostly works but we are still having some bugs (i
have one of these from before they went up about 2x in cost).
the two issues i reported before merge:


i don't think we got fixes for these yet.  #42 looks like the
same issue as my #24, and #34 is a panic i've never seen but
on the next generation card (5500.)



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