On Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 01:03:33PM +0100, Riccardo Mottola wrote:
> I am on netbsd 9.99.93 and current pkgsrc tree.
> After upgrading the whole base system, upgrading pkgsrc is also a good idea.
> pkg_rolling-replace -uv is my usual friend.
> I always stop at gobject introspection, which is currently broken due to
> libffi upgrade
> Given the error below, there seems to be a failure right on the libffi
> needed for libgirepository, but it is the one I am trying to replace, or
> not?

I think one cunning plan seen on this list was to look at the output from

  grep libffi.so.7 /usr/pkg/pkgdb/*/+BUILD_INFO



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