On Wed, Jun 15, 2022 at 00:05:43 +0000, Chavdar Ivanov wrote:

> On 14 June 2022 23:06:56 (+01:00), Roland Illig wrote:
> > NetBSD-current fails for me in a VirtualBox with more than 1 CPU.
> >
> > https://gnats.netbsd.org/56883
> > https://gnats.netbsd.org/56884
> > https://gnats.netbsd.org/56885
> >
> > NetBSD 9.2 from 2020-02-14 works fine.
> > NetBSD 9.99.97 from 2022-06-14 doesn't work.
> It works just fine for me:

Features of the host CPU are exposed to the guest, but not all of them
- that might also be a factor if your host CPU is spiffy enough
(disclaimer: I am clueless about x86 cpu features).  ISTR, Qt didn't
work in certain cases inside VBox b/c part of Qt code checked CPUID
and correctly detected that some feature was not available, while some
other part of Qt code checked instead, roughly speaking, the CPU
generation and incorrectly assumed that the same feature is available
in all CPUs of that generation.

http://virtualbox.org/manual/ch08.html#vboxmanage-modifyvm and search
for cpuid.


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