On Thu, Jun 23, 2022 at 02:17:28PM -0600, Brook Milligan wrote:
> Is there a script somewhere that is being used to create the bootable
> arm issues that are available on https://nycdn.netbsd.org/pub/arm/?  If
> so, where?

It is build by build.sh, e.g. this is the invocation for a recent earmv7hf
build run:

===> build.sh command:    /home/source/ab/HEAD/src/build.sh -m evbarm -a 
earmv7hf -B 202206240040Z -V NETBSD_OFFICIAL_RELEASE=no -D 
/home/builds/ab/HEAD/evbarm-earmv7hf/202206240040Z-dest -M 
/home/builds/ab/HEAD/evbarm-earmv7hf/202206240040Z-obj -R 
/home/builds/ab/HEAD/evbarm-earmv7hf/202206240040Z-rlse -T 
/home/builds/ab/HEAD/evbarm-earmv7hf/202206240040Z-tools -U -X 
/home/source/ab/HEAD/xsrc -P -x -N2 -V TMPDIR=/tmp -V BUILD=yes -V 
MAKECONF=/home/builds/etc/make.conf -V MKDEBUG=yes -j16 release install-image

and /home/builds/etc/make.conf only has MKREPRO=yes
(mostly for historic reasons).


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