On Thu, 14 Jul 2022, Robert Elz wrote:

Anyone have any ideas?   Note that the CPU is an Alder Lake - has both
performance and economy cores which run at different rates (which NetBSD
knows nothing about, yet, but that's OK) - core speed is always subject
to variation anyway, so that should not matter (and has not on previous

Works OK for me with an updated-just-now customized (ie. just a lot of stuff
removed) GENERIC.

While I am here, an unrelatged matter, one other config option:

options         WS_KERNEL_FG=WSCOL_CYAN

When the system first boots, all the console messages appear in yellow, not
the normal green, and not cyan.   After the system switches the console to
graphics mode (it is an nvidia GT930 - running X on wsfb) the messages all
switch to cyan.  This harms nothing, it's just a bit weird, and I thought
it might provide a clue to some possible setup errors?

Heh. It's not just Cyan/Yellow; Red and Blue are swapped too, because:

/usr/src/sys/dev/wscons/wsdisplayvar.h and
/usr/src/sys/dev/ic/pcdisplay.h have different values for those colours.

The VGA console fixes the mapping in vga_allocattr()/vga_raster_allocattr(),
but I don't see where the framebuffer consoles are doing that...


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